best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
Where and how to look for a metal detector
The newcomer, buying the first metal detector and shovel, immediately begins to ask himself where to start his search. To begin with, you need to conduct tests, with which you will learn how your metal detector behaves, because the signals on different objects will be different and you need to remember the signals that will be issued by the device on black and non-ferrous metals.

You can test the device anywhere, but it is best to do it in your garden, why go far. To do this, you can bury not to great depth a few ordinary coins and memorizing the signals of the device to begin to conduct a search. When you get used to the certain sound that your device emits, you can then start searching the entire garden. You can find anything, can be on this place, when it was long ago was an old settlement.

Of course, coins are the main search, as before other money was not in everyday life and therefore to focus on them, we remind that the modern device can distinguish objects from colored metal at a distance of 35-40 cm, but on large objects, can reach up to one and a half meters. Therefore, you only need to know the places where people used to live and move, and then it is easy to find the device coins and metal objects from the last century. The most ideal place for this are arable fields, various groves and estates - the main condition is the absence of any buildings.

And now we can specifically tell about such places where it is necessary to start searching for metal detectors:.
These are places where villages were located a long time ago, they are considered to be one of the most successful places to search with a metal detector, there are several reasons for this: such places are easy enough to find by map and their size is very large, on their territory lived ( There were a lot of people, and therefore there were losses in those times, so the findings will be significant. You may come to get coins from the seventeenth to the twentieth century, there will be plenty of them.

Bazaars and fairs are also a great place for a search engine. Finding coins in such places will be a pleasure, but the problem is that such places are not marked on the map, and the digger in this case needs to know the exact cordinates. Therefore, very often diggers in search of bazaars and pass the whole neighborhood of villages (knowing that in this village there were bazaars and fairs) with a metal detector.

Another of the places are inn, they could live in the traveler for a few days or just spend the night. There is also something to profit for fans of metal objects and coins. There were cases of finds of large treasures near the inn, the owners of yards probably hid their savings, fearing robbery.

One of the profitable places on a par with fairs and bazaars, are drinking houses, they were located mainly near the entrance or exit to the village, from the village. A fairly large number of coins are found in these areas metal detector, as in these houses people were having fun to the fullest, drinking, fighting and disassembly were an integral part of their lives. And all this was reflected on their pockets, or rather a lot of coins were lost during the rest.

It is also possible to distinguish roads and various paths, they connected areas and other villages, farms and counties. There were a lot of people walking on the roads and sledging. A large crowd of people were passing roads, the quality of course was worse than our roads, many of the roads were unpaved. And it was easy to drop a thing or not a large object and it immediately drowned in the thick mud, which was most of the temporary year.

Where can I dig with a metal detector by law
A good place to search is fords and crossings. Going ford thinking people were busy with other things and often no one paid attention to the loss of coins. The bridges also lost coins, because the train always had to pay and the money woke up.

Places of fighting during World War II. Here often find casings and cartridges, helmets, bayonets and guns. Excavation should be conducted very carefully, as there is a chance to stumble upon a whole charge, lying in the ground for decades it can still explode.

A few words about how to look, on coins in a metal detector signal is very loud and clear, because you will immediately understand that you came across it. Listen to your device and you can easily identify the treasure. You can make a map of finds in the territory, as mostly coins are on the perimeter of buildings, along the streets, also in places of large crowds, in a word where life was on the fullest. Determining such a place to conduct a search carefully and slowly.

So we talked a little bit about where to look for coins with a metal detector. Now let's discuss in a nutshell - How to look for a metal detector!

Well, to tell how to drive a reel metal detector from side to side - we will not, we will give only a few practical tips:

The coin signal on the metal detector is very clear, pay attention to how your metal detector reacts to the coin! This signal is always highlighted by clarity and ringing.
When searching, try to make a "map of finds on the ground"
Use metal detector settings to weed out unnecessary noise
Use different types of coils.
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