best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
Improvised coil for pulsed metal detector
I decided to collect my first pulsed metal detector Clone PI-W and, lo and, lo and come to the manufacture of search mono-coil. And since I am currently experiencing some financial difficulties, I had a difficult task - to make the reel itself from the cheapest materials.

Looking ahead, I will say at once that I have coped with the task. In the end, I got this read more "Improvised coil for pulse metal detector".

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Making a coil for a pulsed metal detector with your own hands
One of the advantages of impulse metal detectors is the ease of making search coils for them. With this simple coil, pulsed metal detectors have a good detection depth. This article will describe the simplest and most accessible ways of making search coils for pulse metal detectors with their own hands.

Coils made described Read more "Making a coil for a pulsed metal detector with your own hands"

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Search coil for homemade metal detector
Let's start with the manufacture of the device, with which we will reel. We're going to need a piece of board measuring at least 18 by 18 centimeters, nails and a cambrick. Nails should be so diameter that Cambriks, quite freely dressed on them.

On the board draw a circle with a diameter of 16 centimeters and in a circle we enter at least 16 nails evenly spreading them. Nails must stick out

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How to make a metal detector with your own hands at home
Tips on how to make a metal detector at home: the best schemes of simple homemade metal detectors that you can assemble with your own hands.

Everyone comes in different ways in the treasure hunt. Someone craves profit and bought a metal detector in the hope of getting rich, other fans of instrument search are enthusiastic collectors and want to replenish their collection of antique coins. Read more "How to make a metal detector with your hands at home".

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How do I make a metal detector to find gold?
A metal detector to search for gold with your own hands is a device by which miners can detect the presence of gold in the ground. Of course, even the most powerful metal detector can not give guarantees of the discovery of precious metal in the soil, but the search with such a device will still be more productive. And to save on the purchase of equipment, you can familiarize yourself with the metal detector assembly scheme and make

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How to make a simple metal detector with your own hands; step-by-step instruction
No one should explain what a metal detector is. This device is expensive, and some models are very decent.

However, you can make a metal detector with your own hands at home. And you can not only save thousands of rubles on its purchase, but also get rich by finding a treasure. Let's talk about the device itself and try to understand what's in it and how.

Step-by-step Read more "How to make a simple metal detector with your own hands; step-by-step instruction".

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