best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
How to choose a metal detector to search for coins and gold; practical advice
What child, reading fascinating books about the adventures of treasure hunters, did not dream to be in their place and explore the surrounding areas for the presence in the ground and other secluded places of silver, gold and other jewels? Many children grow up to forget their dreams, but some, having received financial freedom, seek to bring to life the stories told by writers

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How to choose the right metal detector?
You don't know how to choose the right metal detector? Then I advise you to read my recommendations on the choice of your first device. You don't want to throw money away, do you? Then do not neglect my advice on choosing a device for entry level and more professional.

What is a metal detector?

A metal detector is a device that detects metal in the ground

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How to choose a metal detector: characteristics, score, comparison
The metal detector is a very useful device in many ways. Amateur model can help to find, for example, old coins. Professional are able to carry out an accurate search of certain metals, show the size and depth of the object in the ground. These are just two striking examples of the use of metal detectors. However, the modern saturation of the market can confuse

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How to choose a metal detector?

To find the most suitable metal detector, you need to decide how the equipment will be operated. The simplest models are suitable for detecting objects at a short distance in the absence of interference. Expensive technology can boast a wide range of functions, so it can be called universal.

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How to choose a metal detector? Answering the main questions
Over the past few years, more than 2 million metal detectors have been sold in Russia - man's craving for the mysteries of the earth is growing. Someone is looking for antiquity out of interest and love for history, someone is trying to make money on it. Successful research requires a good device. We will not go into descriptions of the principle of the device - focus on the issues that appear when choosing.

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Choosing a metal detector for beginners
Beginner collectors are often passionate about their new hobby and, in addition to studying coins, purchasing them and sharing them, are also interested in treasure hunting.

Indeed, it is possible not only to realize the childhood dream and try to find a treasure, but also to get rich on it ... admittedly, it's usually not very legal. However, first you should take up the choice of metal detector.

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