best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
How to choose a metal detector Answering the main questions
Over the past few years, more than 2 million metal detectors have been sold in Russia - man’s craving for the mysteries of the earth is growing. Someone is looking for antiquity out of interest and love for history, someone is trying to make money on it. Successful research requires a good device. We will not go into descriptions of the principle of the device - focus on the issues that appear when choosing.

Is it legal to buy a metal detector?

Perhaps, this is the first question that arises in a beginner. Excavations and the removal of historical treasures are regulated by the law on treasure hunting. Can anyone arm themselves with a device and go to dig a treasure? Yes, devices for finding metal objects are available for free sale, there is nothing illegal in their purchase. The question is where and how you will use this device. It is impossible to carry out excavations that violate the integrity of architectural monuments and the cultural layer of the earth. Carefully study the law, read the comments of lawyers to understand what actions are legitimate and which are not. Many begin their search in forests, unseeded fields, their own plots, beaches, and abandoned villages. Be sure to make sure in advance that these places are not recognized as having an important cultural layer.

What depth of detection is needed?

So, you are ready to buy a metal detector: how to choose the right one - the second question on the way to buying. You have to start from what you will be looking for. It is one thing - coins, jewelry and other trifles, another - military equipment of the past years. The deeper the small objects lie, the more difficult it is to detect them. The same device is able to recognize coins at depths of up to 40 cm, and, for example, a military helmet - up to 100 cm. Deep metal detectors can detect objects at depths of up to 200 to 300 cm. But they are suitable for searching for large elements, the size of at least a can. Coins and decorations at such depth to discover problematic.

Which coil is better?

The coil is the working part of the search engine, glides on the ground and sends magnetic radiation into the ground. Her work builds the entire search process. The right choice of metal detector largely depends on understanding which coil is needed. There are two parameters that differ.

By type. Mono coils scan the ground, directing magnetic radiation in the shape of a cone. Suitable for finding coins, small jewelry and household items. Excellent discover small targets even on littered areas and among the roots of plants. DD coils send radiation in the form of a smooth beam. Help to quickly scan large areas, are able to recognize precious metals in highly mineralized soil. Less sensitive around the perimeter, so it’s harder to pinpoint the exact location of items.

The size. Small coils with a diameter of 6 inches (15.24 cm) are suitable for point scanning on littered areas and beaches. When the question arises, which metal detector to choose to work on former battlefields or in places where in addition to antiquities there are unnecessary glands, preference is given to models with a small coil, although the depth of detection they have is small. The most versatile coils with a medium diameter of 9 (22.86 cm) and 10.5 (26.67 cm) inches are suitable for work on almost any soil. Large, up to 12 inches (30.48 cm) in diameter, serve to detect large objects, quickly survey a large area and work on a debris-cleaned site.

What is the effect of the frequency of the signal?

The frequency of the output depends on the working depth and size of the objects being detected. For example, the choice of a metal detector with a high value of 10 to 20 kHz is justified if you plan to search for small valuables, small nuggets and scales of gold. But at the same time the signal dissipates in the ground and can not detect objects at great depth. The average frequency of about 7.5 kHz is typical for universal devices that buy to fill your hand without concentrating on looking for something specific. Devices with low working frequency of 2.5 and 3 kHz are able to deep-scan the ground and mostly detect large objects. Highly held metals - silver and copper - are recognized. Some models are able to work with different coils, so it is easy to adjust to specific search terms when changing the work nozzle.

Choosing a metal detector for beginners

How important is functionality?

In many ways, the success of the search work depends on the technical stuffing of the metal detector. The more modern the device and the more settings it has, the more accurately it can be adapted to the search for a specific material. For example, many models have a choice of modes to detect coins, jewelry, relics or all metals. Custom mode programs the device for certain purposes and keeps the program in memory for future work. The discrimination regime will be useful. which is available to almost all metal detectors and which allows you to exclude unwanted materials from the search. The device will not respond to rusty nails, black metals and other metal debris, and you will not waste time digging up something that has no historical or monetary value. Pinpoint mode will be useful to determine the location of small items as accurately as possible: you will understand where you need to dig in order not to damage the valuable find. Many models have the ability to adjust sensitivity - the higher it is, the deeper deposits can be detected.

What signals are the devices sending?

Almost all metal detectors have an electronic display, which displays data about search results. The target display allows you to recognize what is hidden underground. When an object is detected, a digital designation appears on the screen that corresponds to a certain type of metal. To recognize it, look at the table in the instructions. Over time, you will remember the numbers and immediately understand what the device has discovered. The depth display helps determine how far from the ground surface the object is. The data is also displayed. The workflow is accompanied by an indication - sound, light or vibration alert swell swell swells that there is something underground, and at this point it is necessary to stop and scan it in detail. In some models, you can choose the alert mode: silent (accompanied by vibration) or audible (sound and vibration). By the way, the sound display can have several tonalities, so that the user by ear determines the type of object detected. Let’s say, if jewelry is found, the sound of medium tonality is served, if it is iron garbage - low. For each metal detector, the manufacturer lays its own settings. A useful addition to the design of the device will be the headphone jack to use them to recognize the beeps.

Which firm should be preferred?

Among Russian users are popular devices of the Australian firm Minelab. It is one of the leading manufacturers of search tools, which released its first metal detector in 1986 and whose products are in demand all over the world. North American brands Garrett and Teknetics are popular. The quality and innovative development of manufactured devices was appreciated not only in the U.S., but also in Russia - many models are adapted to the conditions of operation in our country.

How much will the purchase result?

It all depends on your budget and usage goals. If you want to try yourself in the treasure hunt and buy the device more for fun, there is no point in large investments. Having spent up to 10,000 rubles, you will get a device with which you can practice in search. For serious research in the future, buy a model worth 20,000 rubles. Everything will depend on how much time you are willing to devote to your hobby and whether it will grow into something more serious.

In our online store are various metal detectors - which to choose, to decide you. Order a suitable price and functionality device right now. Go out of town next weekend and experience it. Rest assured, the treasure hunt will take you, and you will have a good time, even if the first finds will be very modest. You will master the device, learn how to work with it, understand all the intricacies of search. And this is a valuable experience… Yes, and don’t forget to take a shovel - it will definitely come in handy.