best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
How to choose a metal detector characteristics score comparison
The metal detector is a very useful device in many ways. Amateur model can help to find, for example, old coins. Professional are able to carry out an accurate search of certain metals, show the size and depth of the object in the ground. These are just two striking examples of the use of metal detectors. However, the modern saturation of the market can confuse an inexperienced search engine. It is not difficult to get confused in diversity. Next, let's consider how to choose a metal detector to meet the targets. These recommendations will introduce the basic principles of choice that can help you find the best option.

Without going into the physical details of the process, in general terms, consider how the search metal detector works. Understanding the principles of action will help to successfully carry out work and quickly change the setting of the device, based on the situation.

The deep metal detector operates on the principle of radar with the difference that radars determine moving targets, and metal detectors - stationary..
The work looks like this:

The generator produces electromagnetic radiation that spreads to the external environment.

Once in the zone of influence, metal objects begin to form their electromagnetic radiation.

The signal is reflected from an object with a different frequency/phase than the original signal and is received by the device's antenna.

The electronic component allows to amplify the accepted waves and eliminate false signals.

Processed data is displayed to the user in the form of beeps or images.

What are the metal detectors?

Among the modern variety of techniques that are used in the search can distinguish the following types of metal detectors:

For the entry level. Relatively inexpensive devices, most suitable for looking for small products. The cost of them is not large, functionality is limited. If there is a desire to regularly use the device, it is better not to spend on such models neither money nor time.

For the middle level. They have good characteristics. With their help, you can find a small lost thing, and located in the ground.

Professional. They have serious functionality, regardless of the type of work, the type of soil. Specifications allow you to work in different modes. Used by professional search engines.

What you need to choose from

The type of coil coil. there are mono coil soil and DoubleD coil, budget versions use mono coils.

The size of the coil: the depth of detection is directly connected by the diameter of the coil the larger the coil, the greater its depth in the regular trims use coils with a diameter of 9 to 12 inches.

Metal detector Minelab X-Terra 705 how it works
Discrimination Is the main function of the metal detector which is responsible for identifying the object. The quality of the discriminator, provide a better separation of different metals and more informatively show the VDI of the desired object.

Work rate and number of work frequencies:

Metal detectors can work at 1-th working frequency, at multiple working frequencies at once or in the detector it is possible to switch the frequency of the device.

The working frequency of the device is related to what you plan to look for. The lower the frequency, the less impact the ground has and, accordingly, the greater the depth of detection. But at the same time, the lower the frequency, the worse the device detects small objects.

The average frequency (6-8 kHz) is most versatile for the search for various objects: coins, archaeology searches or search for wartime items.

Low frequency (3-5 kHz) are well suited to finding large enough metal parts at medium and large depths, but at the same time the small targets of the coin device at this frequency may no longer be detected. To search, hoard, or search for "war."

High frequency (14-20 kHz) provide high sensitivity and are well suited to finding small metal objects at shallow depths. To search for small coins scales.

The ultra-high frequencies of 20 kHz and above are designed to search beyond small parts, particularly for the search for small nuggets.

The balance of the soil is the necessary function allows to determine the degree of soil pollution, its structure, and then adjust the device so that the interference caused by foreign particles does not affect the search result.

Choosing from a combination of price-quality

Naturally, everyone wants to buy an inexpensive metal detector. However, it should be taken into account that the lower the price of the metal detector, the lower the depth it is able to detect the object. It will have fewer functions (ground balance, pinpoint mode, etc.) and a very weak level of metal discrimination. However, by comparing metal detectors, you can find the best option and pick up the device for their requests, taking into account the criterion "cost - quality."

Less than 10,000 rubles - a depth of 15 cm per coin and 70 cm on a large object.

By and large can only be used for entertainment, or to search for chermet. With such a device it is possible to find only large items of large scrap metal and if you know where they are, because the depth of detection is insignificant. Such a search detector is suitable for tracing coins or games with children.

The most popular models include.

Garrett ACE 150. For many years, this budget metal detector

does not lose popularity with beginners. It has the necessary minimum set of functions. It is simple and reliable in its work. Convenience is provided by a soft armrest.

The bar can be dealt with in three parts. Weight - 1.2 kg. The frequency of the concentric 9 inch coil is 6.5 kHz, suitable for finding coins and jewelry. Powered by 4 AA batteries, sufficient for 40 hours of operation. Headphones are connected.

It has three modes of operation - searching for all metals, filtering individual metals, searching for coins.

Metal detector up to 20,000 rubles - a depth of 25 cm per coin and 90 cm on a large object.

These are devices for finding coins, searching for a day off, devices for beginners. They have a bare minimum of search features.

Up to 20,000 - 25,000 rubles - a depth of 35 cm per coin and 120 cm on a large object.

Choosing a metal detector of this class will allow you to take the path of treasure-hunting, because it allows you to find coins and treasures. The group includes a metal detector to search for coins. These are the best metal detectors to familiarize themselves with the search process.
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