best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
How to choose a metal detector
Perhaps one of the first questions that the novice search engine asks when choosing a metal detector is the cost of the detector and the depth of detection. These are of course important factors, but mutually exclusive. A cheap metal detector, by definition, may not have a greater detection depth. In addition to these, there are other technical aspects, which are the main ones when choosing treasure-seeking equipment.

In today’s metal detector, the main technology allows to more accurately recognize the type of metal, to ignore interference from the ground, which actually affects the depth of detection. The more modern the metal detector, the better it ignores soil noises, and therefore higher and depth of detection.

So, let’s try to tie all these factors together, putting the cost at the top. Today, the market is quite a large number of all sorts of metal detectors or as they are called metal detectors, able to meet any consumer demand costing from 3 to 200,000 rubles. Accordingly, the cheaper the metal detector, the lower the depth of detection and it is worse to distinguish the type of metal.
Many newcomers make the mistake of buying a cheap metal detector, explaining that “to begin with will go and cheap, Do not want to spend money, and there will be visible.” But “further visible” often does not happen, because, saving on equipment, knowingly doom themselves to failure.

With a metal detector cheaper than 10 thousand. You can find rubles, except that the hatch of the well, and if you know exactly where it lies, it is more toys than active equipment.

Models from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, perhaps, are the best choice for a hobby, if for you it is primarily entertainment, an occasion to go a couple of times a year to nature. These models have a detection depth of up to a meter, and quite a good discriminator, allowing you to ignore small glands that are not of interest. Such devices are successfully used to search for scrap metal.

The most interesting of this series of inexpensive treasure-finder metal detector X-Terra T34 with a depth of detection more than a meter and a good discriminator. Such indicators were achieved by switching from an outdated analog scheme to modern digital signal processing technology, which improved the quality of metal recognition and increased detection depth compared to similar models.

The golden middle is the models from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. These are serious metal detectors that are used even by professionals.

For example, the three-frequency model X-Terra T74 with excellent depth and sensitivity to small targets is used by professionals to search for small coins, such as Scales. Also, this model is used by diggers to search for gold nuggets, a special built-in geo feature allows you to find gold particles smaller than a matchhead.

The GTI2500 can be fitted with a special deep frame turning this metal detector into a deep one. Although this versatility does not make it a real outback and does not allow to be a good coin, rather it is something in between a good depth and a good metal detector.

From this series of metal detectors, perhaps, it is worth paying attention to the 28-frequency metal detector quattro-MP. This model is based on the professional metal detector Explorer SE, and adapted specifically for beginners on the principle - “Turn on and work,” minimum settings, a wonderful discriminator and a decent depth of detection. All the settings on the ground, the debuilding from iron junk, etc. produces a built-in microprocessor.

More expensive models of metal detectors costing more than 35,000 rubles belong to the professional and such a high cost is justified. These are no longer simple analog metal detectors, but processor-controlled modern multi-frequency metal detectors capable of finding objects at depths of more than one and a half meters and most accurately determine the type of metal.

How to set up minelab X-Terra 705
For example, The E-Trac and Explorer SE metal detectors are the only metal detectors in the world using not only metal conductivity information to determine the type of metal, but also its inductivity. In addition, 28 frequencies are used to detect the target, not one as conventional metal detectors. The depth of detection, the sensitivity of the metal detector, the quality of discrimination, the stability of work on the ground depend on the frequency.

Single-frequency metal detectors, depending on the frequency, are configured only for large or small search objects. The high frequency of 18 kHz allows you to capture small objects measuring 1-2 mm. However, the high-frequency signal fades faster in the soil, so the depth of the detection of objects is somewhat less. Low frequency 3 kHz worse detects small objects, but electromagnetic waves penetrate deeper into the soil, respectively, the depth of detection of objects above. The lower the working frequency, the deeper the detector can detect the target.

Multi-frequency metal detectors with 28 detection frequencies from 1.5 to 100kHz search both at high frequency and low allowing in one device to combine the best qualities of low-frequency machines and deep low-frequency. Essentially, when using a detector that uses multi-frequency technology, it’s several single-frequency detectors at the same time.

The depth of detection depends on the size of the target, the larger the object, the deeper it can detect the metal detector. For example, single coins up to 50 cm, a treasure with an army helmet about a meter, a larger object up to 1.5 meters.

If the task is to detect a larger object and at a greater depth, there are special deep metal detectors for this purpose, such as SSP3100 or TM808. The depth of detection of such metal detectors is 2-3 meters. Deep metal detectors cannot detect small targets, such as single coins or ornaments, tuned to search only large items the size of a can.
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