best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
How to choose a metal detector to search for coins and gold practical advice
What child, reading fascinating books about the adventures of treasure hunters, did not dream to be in their place and explore the surrounding areas for the presence in the ground and other secluded places of silver, gold and other jewels? Many children grow up to forget their dreams, but some, having received financial freedom, seek to bring to life the stories told by writers.

For some, the search for metal products becomes an entertainment that allows to make some variety in everyday routine, and someone makes it his profession and means to earn money. In any case, the novice search engine faces one question: “How to choose an effective metal detector that allows you to find precious metals and coins?”.

Types of metal detectors

Novice search engine is difficult to understand all the variety of devices presented on the market. In order to facilitate the selection process, it is worth reading the classification of metal detectors. This classification is very conditional, but for beginners in the field of finding coins and gold, it can be very useful.
All existing types of metal detectors can be divided into the following categories:

Metal detectors for beginners - cheap devices that do not have wide functionality and are suitable only for the search for lost jewelry on the beaches. Spending money on such devices is not recommended - their functionality is so small that even a novice search engine will quickly “outgrow” such a device.

Mid-level appliances. focused on solving a wide range of tasks - from searching on beaches, to quite serious search for metal things.

High-level computerized metal detectors. that allow you to set a variety of settings to work in different conditions and on different soils. As a rule, they have a fairly high price and are used only by professional search engines, for whom the search for metal products (and subsequent sale at auctions) is a source of income.

In addition, there are airtight devices that can work at depth: in reservoirs, rivers, etc.

Criteria for choosing a metal detector

Purchasing a metal detector, you need to evaluate the chosen model according to the following criteria:


It is quite natural that, choosing a technique with any functional purpose, the buyer learns its value and assesses the level of its solvency. Buying a metal detector, it is necessary to pinpoint the goal to achieve which it will be used. So, if you are supposed to make rare outings several times a year, do not buy an expensive device with serious functionality - most likely additional features, which will have to pay serious money, simply do not need, but here Basic control of the device their availability can be seriously difficult.

At the same time, buying a metal detector from the cheapest price category is also not recommended - in most cases, such devices have nothing in common with the metal detector, except the name, and will not be able to find a small metal object, even located near the device, not to mention buried in the ground coins and bars or gold nuggets.

Detection depth

Any soil contains substances that emit all sorts of interference, preventing the passage of the signal from the metal detector into the depth. The number of such substances is characterized by the indicator of mineralization - the higher it is, the more powerful a metal detector will be required to work. The least mineralized soils are sand, black earth, peatland, etc.

The category of highly mineralized soils includes clay, loam, rocks, etc. That is why the depth of detection achieved through the use of soil disturbance technologies is the most important criterion in selecting a metal detector.

Depending on the frequency at which the device can work, the metal search devices on the market can be divided into the following categories:

2.5 kHz. A device with this frequency can only be used if there is a firm belief that a large, high-sating metal object is shallow underground and the search radius is roughly defined. In other words, such an insensitive device can become an assistant when searching for a particular object, but you will not find, for example, a small gold nugget.

Highly sensitive metal detector
7 kHz. Such devices have a minimum cost, but their effectiveness leaves much to be desired. They are suitable for beginners in this field, as well as for those who do not seek to achieve a serious result, looking as a hobby. The depth of the device does not exceed 1 meter. The average cost of such a device is 10-20 thousand rubles, being quite accessible to most novice treasure hunters.
10-20 kHz. They are excellent helpers when searching for low-lying metals, in particular gold, in rivers, on sandy beaches and other places with similar soil type.

There are metal detectors that have different ranges of frequencies that can be modified during the course of the work depending on the search engine’s needs. They can be used both on beaches and surrounding areas, and on clay soil, respectively changing the settings. Such metal detectors act as an alternative for a whole set of devices capable of working on one set by the manufacturer frequency.

As a rule, they fall into the category of professional equipment, respectively, their cost is very high, and often inaccessible to novice treasure hunters. However, the effectiveness of their work can more than compensate for all the costs incurred for the purchase of such an expensive device.

Difference of metals

The cheapest metal detectors can be configured to find one, maximum - two types of metals. This means that in search of gold, the owner of the device will pass by a silver coin or an old copper product. Expensive devices can distinguish between three or more types of metals and alloys.

Ground balance

Typically, this option is presented in high-price models. It allows us to assess the structure and extent of soil contamination in which the search is supposed to take effect and to calibrate the instrument so that the interference produced by its particles does not affect the outcome of the work.

Search programming

It is also the prerogative of more expensive units. Allows preliminary installation of all parameters by which soil analysis and search for a certain metal will be carried out.

When choosing a metal detector, you should not save money. Cheap devices will not give a good result even to those search engines who do not seek serious results. At the same time, the use of a device that is unable to conduct a full analysis of the soil, can cause the missing expensive thing made of gold or other precious metal, the cost of which can significantly exceed the costs required Purchase a reliable, highly sensitive device.