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The best way to fish with a hook Fishing skills
How to make dough for fishing recipes and ingredients
It’s hard to say when the first guy caught his fish on a handler equipped with a hook with bait. Our distant ancestors did not wonder what to hunt, because they extracted the means that provided maximum fishing, without looking back at the moral side of the question: for them it was a matter of subsistence, next, survival. Fishing gradually became a hobby of food extraction, and the ways of great grandpa (in particular, catching by net) and hunting were recognized non-sniping.

Most of our contemporaries see fishing as a hobby, at the amateur or sporting level. This means that hooks become the most common. One of the main issues of interest to hunters is choosing the optimal temptation. Here there are no universal recipes: even fish of the same kind at different times of the year and on different bodies of water prefer different than all other baits.

General recommendations for taste selection

The basic principle of choosing the perfect bait is known even by people who are ignorant of fishing, in extreme case, worm larvae, but fish of predatory species eat only similar or trifle mentioned above of animal origin.

This bait provides rich fishing even with bad biting!

Therefore, when catching carp family members (they make up the main “peaceful population”) should use the magic of the plant (foie boah) or animal (bait) originator. The predator is caught on live bait (i.e., young fish), other bait or all kinds of baits produced in industrial conditions or craft method.

General recommendations for taste selection can be expressed as follows:
The old one has the experience of fishing on a particular body of water. Before fishing it is necessary to consult with fellow fishermen, what they used when fishing on a particular body of water. Despite many anecdotes about it, his fellow hunting is present.

Directly through the spawning fish almost not eaten. Directly during this period, they are only interested in reproduction, so hunting often turns out to be inconclusive, regardless of the degree of “sensitivity”” of bait. We don’t forget the restrictions during spawning.

For fishing on the river it is best to use a dense consistency nozzle. This is especially true for rivers with rapid current: Faux Linh immediately washed his cupwith water.

The bait on the hook should be different from the bait bait serves to attract fish to a particular area, but it is a more intense nut in something different from the mass. For example, carp would be happy to find in a cloud of oil and porridge from the kernel with delicious corn.

A lot of interesting things can be purchased in the store. If you don’t want or time to play with independent preparation of bait, you can buy everything you need in the store: from all kinds of ready-made grains with various flavors and boiling carp to larvae and worms.

Fishing by hook

The use of lighthouses as a fishing tool began in ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, and England in the Middle Ages. The hook is 24 inches to 20 feet long, consisting of a fishing thread mounted on a stick, or stick, at the end of which is a hook used to hang the bait, and a pulley used to store the lead.

The hook is made of fiber glass, carbon fiber, or bamboo, and the hook handle is made of cork, because it is light and durable, clearly transmits the vibration of the hook, and can be made from ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) The lighthouse seat used to stabilize the roller is made of plastic reinforced with caravet, aluminum or wood, and is fixed with steel or titanium thread control rings.
On nozzles of plant origin catch exclusively peaceful fish, the lion’s share of which in the reservoirs of Russia are representatives of the family of carp. Most commonly used:

Bread. It is best to take rye bread without additives, but if you do not want it can be used and unsweetened wheat. Usually kneaded mass of meat, but sometimes it is hooked uncrumpled, and also use pieces of rye bread crust. As a universal bundle and flavoring in one bottle is unrefined vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 kg of bread. As a flavoring experienced anglers used everything from medicines to cocoa, but the beginner better do classic anise - the main thing, do not overdo it. Many interesting synthetic flavors are sold in specialty stores.

Dough. Even people far from cooking know that the basis of any dough is flour (wheat or rye) and water. To increase the elasticity of the mass and more attractiveness for fish, you can add raw egg and vegetable oil to the dough. If desired, the dough can be painted with synthetic or natural dye. A small trick: in exchange for special colors and flavors experienced anglers sometimes use all sorts of sodas, for example, cola, when preparing the dough partially or completely replacing them with water. From the dough you can immediately stick balls and scald, but many do not bother about it, just plucking the dough from a piece and forming balls during fishing.

It’s a bolt. The bolt, in fact - a liquid dough or semolina porridge of a similar consistency. The flour chatterer is cooked right on the spot, on the water from the same pond: just knead in a mug. If desired, you can cook a semolina chatter in a similar way, twice steaming it with an aging in half an hour with warm water. As a result of manipulations should be a pasty mass, which is literally reeled on the hook with a syringe, and in its absence - matches.

Pasta. Macaroni - classics of the fishing genre, and most often used mediocre “stars” or “horns.” Pasta should be dense: it is better to undercook a little than to digest, otherwise they will fall off the hook. To secure the pasta on the hook is good to use peas, corn, pearl or animal bait.

Grains of cereals. The most common variant - steamed wheat grains, less often - rye or oat. Pure steaming with boiling water should be combined with long insistence, so it is more often combined with a short brew. If you don’t have time, you can cook the nozzle in a thermos. Paired cereals are more often used as bait, but on the hook they bait edis well take bream and roach.

Cereals. As the gold standard of cereals in relation to the nozzle can be called the well-known penny pearl. It can be boiled (the ratio of 1:2 with water, until the full boil), and can be steamed in a thermos. Perlovka is a versatile and very easy-to-handle nozzle, ideal for a beginner.

Corn. For bait use mamalyga, that is, porridge of corn, but for the nozzle such an option is not suitable. The ideal option would be milk corn (the older one can be slightly boiled right on the cob), and in its absence - canned, from the jar.

Peas. With peas the situation is similar, as with corn: in the season it is better to use fresh peas, you can scalded, outside it - to stop on the canned version. It is also possible to cook with pre-soaking, but it is difficult to achieve optimal softness: the peas are too hard, then too boiled.

Potatoes. Potatoes are rarely fished, but sometimes it is quite large specimens of carp and even carp. Only young potatoes are used in boiled form: later it will become too crumbly and will simply fall off the hook. Small potatoes the size of beans are ideal, but you can cut and larger.

Carrots. Carrots are simply boiled right in the peel, cleaned and cut into cubes. It is sometimes preferred by members of the carp family when fishing for bottom gear.

Berries and fruits. You can’t imagine what the representatives of carp breeds sometimes peck at: currants, strawberries, blueberries, pieces of watermelon, melon, pears, unfinished plums and so on!

Cake. The most common option is sunflower meal, but it is quite suitable hemp, rapeseed or linen. You can get this one yourself, but it is better to buy a “makuha” (a kind of pancake from under the press) at the production. It should be taken into account that it should be fresh, with the smell of oil. The animals are used in special gears - “makushatniks”, but some anglers consider them unsportsmanlike. There is an alternative, for example, for the donkey and gum: dakuhu are cut into cubes with a side of about a centimeter, make on the edges of propyl, pull the cross-cross with a non-bright thread (or pull rubber bands such as pharmacists or weaving) and under bandages turn the hook. The bait dusts and spreads the appetizing for the carp aroma of oil.

Boilies. Boyles are called special carp lures of characteristic color and shape. They are usually used by feeders, but nothing prevents the use of boilers for other gear, for example, a run-of-the-mill fishing rod with a float. Boyle is a form that means a painted and flavored ball for a hook. At the same time its content can be arbitrary: all kinds of flour, crushed cereals, cake and so on in various variations. Ready carp boilers can be bought in a specialty store, but they are quite expensive. With a little experience and diligence, you can cook boils at home (mistresses in the kitchen do things much more complex), but very green beginners are recommended to use the store option.

Predatory fish are caught only on animal bait. They take on and peaceful representatives of ichthyofauna, because in this category include worms, larvae, insects, which do not disdain carp.

We understand in order:

Earthworm. A variety of earthen is a rainworm (crawl), coming to the surface immediately after the rain. This is a classic bait, highly respected by anglers for centuries. You need to look for an earthworm - oh, surprise - in the ground, and wet, you can in your own garden. If you want to do without a shovel, you can lift a piece of polyethylene, long lying on the ground, turn over a couple of stones or logs. Some anglers prefer to use a freshly dug worm, but connoisseurs recommend a cleansing procedure, placing the worm in sawdust, and better, in vegetable oil. On this bait takes all peaceful fish, as well as small predators - perch, ruff, rotan. There is a chance to catch even a solid pike, especially during the change of teeth, when it prefers small and soft prey.

Dung worm. The dung worm is a kind of earthworm. It lives in a substance understandable by the name - rotten dung heaps, compost pits and other low-appetizing places. As a hook nozzle, the dung worm is used very often: its striped coloration and the smell released at the time of stress attracts both carp and small predators. However, catching requires a lot of worm (it quickly loses mobility), and it is not very pleasant to mine, so there is a question of storing the bait of this species. It is advisable to place the dung in a container with the ground, spiced with the remnants of tea brewing: the tanin contained in it stirs up the worm and prolongs its life on the hook.

It’s a maggot. In front of us is a meat fly larva, very worthy and respected by fish bait. Getting a maggot in the warm season is easy enough: you just need to “forget” an outdoor piece of meat or fish. After the appearance of white eggs, the vavado can be placed in a container with a lid (better transparent to monitor the process without uncorking the jars) and put in a shade. To remove larvae from the container is an extremely “flavorful and pleasant” process, so most urban anglers prefer to buy a clean one, in sawdust, maggot, in the store.

The larvae of wood beetles. The most common representative of wood beetles is bark beetles, its larvae - an exquisite delicacy for representatives of ichthyofauna even with very bad bite. However, they are very gentle and low-living. And to get them sometimes problematic: not under each broken from a rotten tree piece of bark will find them. But there you can find another, larger, denser and survivable option - the larvae of moustache or cereal. It is also quite suitable bait, for example, for roaches or bream.

The creek. In some places, the larvae of the stream is called “shitik” - it is literally sewn into the house from its own “yarn”, sand and small stones. Larvae can be found in clean standing water or on a slow current, more often on pebbles, shell or sand. Fish should be caught on a shell-cleaned larva, just one on the hook.

Dragonfly larvae. Dragonfly larvae are the real predators: they are large and voracious, eat insects, tadpoles, caviar and even small fry. Look for larvae should be in a viscous bottom, or in a sedge. On the larva of dragonflies takes even a predator, and it is convenient to use, for example, when already fly-fishing.

Motyl. The famous moth, dainty bait for many representatives of ichthyofauna lure - the larva of the mosquito-bell! The moth is gentle, quickly falls asleep, but the fish loves moth, especially fresh. For bottom gear it is not suitable, but for a float or winter noveto rod - just right. Several larvae are hooked. They extract the moth in the coastal and the coastal ila, washing it through a small sito. It is advisable to use freshly extracted larvae, it is allowed to overstay for a few days in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer!

Insects. Adult insects as nozzles are used quite rarely: not all fish to taste hard chitin. But this does not exclude, for example, the use of grasshopper or May beetle on a fast stream: they take carp, which have powerful swallow teeth: jelly, chub, yas. Do not disdain such lures and predators. On a butterfly and its larvae well take all representatives of ichthyofauna, including small predators and herbivorous fish like fat-headed.

Mormysh. Mormysh oma is called a small (up to 2 cm long) freshwater rachka-bokopla, which feeds on all kinds of remains. The sea is ubiquitous, but most of all at the shady shores, in the coastal thickets, on wetlands, and in winter it rises directly under the ice. Extract a mormuses on straw or spruce branches: lower the armful into the water, after a while extract and choose the beaten there rachkov. It can be used for this purpose burlap or natural urine, pre-sprinkled with flour.

A live man. The main lure for catching a predator is a live bait, that is, a malek or a young fish. The animals are used mainly on the “one-cast” gears. It can be used as a young fish, from the top of the head or stickers to the perch or zander. There are a lot of ways to catch a live bait: on a float rod, with a piece of cloth, a spider and so on. The larger the supposed trophy, the greater the live bait will be required. In the same category can be conventionally attributed tadpoles and frogs, also sometimes used as bait.

Artificial bait is a structure made of something that never lived or grew (metal, plastic or other polymeric materials). On such gear you can fish a variety of species, both predatory and peaceful - it’s just a matter of choosing a constructive solution and a method of fishing.

Bait. The classic version of artificial bait, known for a long time, is now represented by many models. They are united by the material: glitter - from the word “brilliant”, in this case, metal. Other structures made of artificial materials usually fall into another category. There are spinners for winter and summer fishing. Summer variants are designed mainly for a variety of spinning fishing methods.

In turn, spinners are divided into oscillating and rotating - by the “manner” of their behavior during the wiring. The classic version - hesitant, they appeared before, but successfully used to this day. The most comprehensive is their classification by fishing methods: casting - for the longest distance, trolling - for the same technique, “uncatching” - for fishing in the thickets and islets of algae, quickly moaning - for “vertikaka.” Rotating spinners (in common parlance - “spinners”) - a natural evolution of oscillating analogues. The predator’s attractive rotation is provided by loading and moving petal.

Lure. This option is also designed exclusively for catching a predator. It not only looks like a small fish, but also believably imitates its behavior. Classic wobbler is the corresponding natural shape and coloration, mainly polymeric materials (all sorts of plastics) and two hooks-“triples”: in the tail part and on the “belly”.

There are a lot of varieties of wobblers, which are designed for different ways of fishing (mostly spinning, but not only) and require possession of different wiring techniques. Depending on the design, they are able to walk from side to side, move on a broken trajectory, splash, jump and even make all sorts of sounds. Most popular among spinning ists are rattlins, poppers, walkers and others with them.

The balancer. A balancer is a type of wobbler designed for vertical already. It is used mainly for winter fishing, but is sometimes used on free water. Balancer is among the most catchy lures, suitable for the extraction of solid trophies, but in this case much depends on the skill of the fisherman - how skillfully he will be able to play the nod rod.

It’s a mormy. Another favorite of fishermen for many decades tackle - the seaman. The secret of its catchiness lies in the fact that it is able to imitate the behavior of the rachka-bokopla (“mormyshsha”), which is the basis of the diet of many representatives of ichthyofauna in winter. On the mormice catch fish of different species, both predatory and peaceful - in winter, the sidefloat does not disdain any representative of ichthyofauna. These lures are made of metal and are distinguished by a variety of forms: “crusher,” “drop,” “witch,” “oatmeal,” “goat” and so on. There are options for additional use of the nozzle, as well as special sea-pits for summer fishing in the plumb.

A devil. The devil is a variation of the seafarer, far enough away from the prototype to be rendered in a separate kind of gear. The distinctive feature of this tackle is the characteristic shape, vertical position in the water, as well as equipment in the form of three hooks.

Egg. Here is a fairly fresh invention, which is a cross between the aforementioned spinners and the devils. The peculiarity of this design is in the free fastening of hooks, which in the water create the illusion of movement of the palms of the water trivia.

Fly. “Fly” (officially - “streamer”) is a lure made in imitation of the appearance of an insect (fly, dragonfly, beetle and so on). Most of all it is used by fly-fishing, but do not disdain fly and spinning. A fairly extensive class of streamers is divided into two main categories: “dry” (on the surface) and “wet” (for fishing in the water).

Active “silicones.” Options from silicone appeared on the market relatively recently, making a real furor. Silicone is strong and plastic, so it can create the most intricate forms, endowing them with special skills. Active silicone lures are able to thoroughly simulate the movements of prey attractive to predator almost without the participation of the fisherman. The most popular variants among spinning players are twisters and vibrators. They are used in tandem with special jig heads consisting of globular-shaped sinkers and hooks.

Passive silicone baits. “Silicons” of this type outwardly imitate not fry, and other aquatic inhabitants: rachkov, worms, tadpoles and so on. They do not have mobile elements, so to increase the attractiveness of special techniques of transactions, including manipulation of rod and coil.

The lures are made from edible rubber. In fact, edible rubber is the same silicone, but with nutritional additives that give an attractive taste and aroma for freshwater ichthyofauna. Lures of edible rubber and silicone have found the widest use: they are used in bottom gear, float rods, when already in the plumb.

What to fish different species?
Experienced fisherman always has in the arsenal a lot of bait and nozzles, and sometimes - quite exotic. The fact is that if on the same reservoir yesterday for catching roaches you effectively used, for example, maggot, not the fact that today it will not suddenly give up “meat” by switching to plant-based nozzles. And in the conditions of total lack of bite you need to try everything that comes to mind - from boiled carrots to grasshoppers.

Karas. This is perhaps the most numerous peaceful inhabitant of our lakes and ponds. Most of all, karas likes standing water and soft ore bottom, but it is also found in rivers. He is unfussy in the choice of food: he can be safely called omnivorous. For its catching is ideal run-of-the-mill fishing rod or bottom of any design: the main thing is that the bait is located closer to the bottom, but not drowned in it. On the hook you can plant bread, boiled or steamed grains of cereals, maggots, “dung” - all that is in the arsenal.

Roach. In front of us is another extremely common representative of the carp family in our reservoirs. Unlike karas, she does not like to poke around in the bottom mud and prefers cleaner and more transparent water - in ponds roaches are almost not found. The best choice is the usual traditional fishing rod (in winter - nocoil), and on the hook it is better to plant a worm, moth, larvae of wood beetles, as well as crumbs, prepared grains of cereals, corn and so on.

Herring. Herring - a predator, leading a passing way of life: in fresh water it comes only for icromegatonia. Most of it in the Volga, Don and the largest tributaries of these rivers. The “herring season” starts exactly in the middle of spring and continues almost until the end of the summer. Catch this fish on spinning, using a special herring spinner.

Bream. Large fish of the carp family. They extract bream with the help of rods, feeders, rubber bands. The bite of the bream looks very impressive: it immediately swallows the bait and pops up, beautifully laying out the float on the surface of the water. When catching large specimens, be sure to use a pod. It is difficult to say what would prefer bream in a particular case: it can be pasta, dough, milk corn, pasty semolina or “dishes” of animal origin: larvae, worms, insects.

Sudak. A representative of the family of perch, that is, a real predator. He hunts in packs, so with luck you can get a few decent specimens at once. In passive fishing zander the ideal option is a live bait (malek, frog). Most often for the extraction of the zander use spinning, as bait - spinners, wobblers, all sorts of silicone options. In winter, it is caught mainly on vents and nocactors, in the first case using live bait, in the second - mormice and balances.

Pike. Before us is a recognized queen of our reservoirs, a very productive and fast-paced hunter, able to swallow prey, a little smaller than its size. Pike hunts alone, from an ambush, rushing to a fish passing by. This explains the effectiveness of the use of gear for catching in wiring, spinners, wobblers and “silicones”, but sometimes good instances come across and bottom gear, equipped with live bait. In June-July a large pike can be caught even on a worm: the predator’s teeth change, and she prefers food smaller and more delicate.

Som. The largest inhabitant of reservoirs in the European part of Russia, a real freshwater giant prefers animal food, and the appropriate size. Som is an individualist who prefers to spend time in the deepest oats or thickets, from there attacking the jagged prey. To catch the som on bottom gear use live bait, frogs, pieces of meat (better even “with a shower”). Sometimes the som is effectively extracted and spinning, equipped with a blind or wobbler of the appropriate size.

A fish. A very tasty fish of the carp family lives in the regions of southwestern Russia, where it is valued for delicate meat and a relatively small number of bones. Fish prefers animal food: this fish is caught on a worm (earth or dung), all sorts of larvae, mormuses.

Asp. Despite the close affinity with the peaceful carp, the jelly - a real predator and a very successful hunter. He hunts amazingly spectacularly: beats his tail, jumps out of the water, stunning the floating fish. Then he quickly swallows the prey, grinding it with powerful swallowing teeth. Taking into account the habits of the predator, the optimal equipment will be a wiring rod or spinning, equipped with a breavs, wobbler or vibrating tail.

Carp. In front of us is a valuable commercial fish, ubiquitously bred artificially in the middle band of Russia. Despite extreme voraciousness and omnivorousness, carp attract quite difficult. For his catching used as match, and usual float rods, feeder and any bottom gear of sufficient strength. As bait use porridge, steamed grains of cereals, bread, as a nozzle - the same, plus pasta, dough, buttermilk, animal bait, as well as special carp boils of various compositions. Choosing a carp nozzle is a very difficult task, individual depending on the body of water, season and a lot of other factors.

Perch. The ancestor of the perch family is usually small, but very voracious. Hunting perch in packs, prey, suitable in size swallows at once, and not intercepts in the manner of pike. For winter fishing use nod rods and vents, in summer - spinning, float rod, the whole range of bottoms. In any season for passive tackles is actual with a small-sized live, worms, larvae, tadpoles, frogs. For active extraction in winter use mormice and balancers, in summer this fish can be caught on spinners, wobblers and silicones.

Carp. It is, in fact, wild carp, habits and appearance are very similar. It has commercial value and inhabits most full-flowrivers and reservoirs with standing water of the middle strip of Russia. In food sazan unpretentious, eats all sorts of water trifle, sometimes not squeamish and seaweed. Catch it on float rods and donkeys of all types, and the main requirement is the presence of a strong leash and large hooks of hardened steel. On hooks bait worms, maggots, moths, steamed cereals, pearl, boils, pasta and so on.

Bull. Fish, which has a lot of varieties, different in appearance and way of life. Freshwater bull, inhabiting reservoirs of mid-latitudes, is called rotan. He is carnivoros, but he can not be called a hunter, but rather a scavenger. Given the bull’s lifestyle, it is better to catch him on all sorts of donkeys, but due to his voraciousness he often finds himself caught on a fishing rod or even spinning, although the fisherman expects the trophy more decent. Most of all the bull attract snare and crawl, but he does not disdain and mormuses, larvae and even small live.

White Cupid. In the European part of Russia is bred mainly artificially and is often the subject of trophy fishing. This fish of the carp family leads a typical way of life for relatives and feeds mainly all small animals. The selection of bait on the cupid - a super-complex task even for a seasoned angler. More than anything, Cupid respects the tiger nut boiled in syrup (preferably warm), but sometimes it attracts corn, peas, carp boils or the most ordinary worm.

Beluga. It belongs to the sturgeon family and is classified as an endangered species, so amateur catching is possible only in specific time intervals of certain places where there is no risk of irreparable harm to the population. Mostly it is commercial reservoirs, licensed fishing. It should be taken into account that the age of fish of this species can be calculated for centuries, therefore and the size of individual individuals are amazing. For catching belugas usually use so-called “carp” rods, braided cables and triple hooks of hardened steel, and the bait is a live bait of the appropriate size.

Guster. It inhabits rivers and lakes of the middle latitudes almost everywhere. Externally, it resembles a miniature bream (inexperienced fishermen sometimes confuse them). Guster walks in packs and extracts food in the bottom layer. The main equipment for catching thickeners is a traditional fishing rod, but it comes across all kinds of dons. As bait, you can recommend a moth, a stream, a worm (including manure), a maggot, as well as properly cooked seeds of cereals and legumes.

Lin. The linen, which hosts the thickets of reservoirs, is very tasty meat, but it is protected not only by “armour-piercing” scales, but also by the cunning of this representative of the ichthyo-kingdom of the carp family. Catch it usually on a float rod, classic or match, choosing places among the thickets with a silt. Lin, though voracious, but sedentary, to the bait “priced” slowly. The choice of bait depends on the forage base of a particular body of water, but in spring, after spawning, the lin goes well on the moth, worm, leech, maggot, and in the summer you can try to catch this fish even on a pearl.

Ruff. Despite its rather modest size, the ruff is classified as a predator and pecks exclusively at animal bait. Specially ruff catch very rarely, except for the uha, where he is unsurpassedly magnificent, but he comes across any tackles, prepared for more solid extraction. The mouth of the ruff is impressive, so it can easily swallow an impressive earthworm or a bunch of maggots.

The slob. This representative of the carp family for a long time was a mystery for anglers even with solid experience and was considered almost elusive. It’s all about the way it feeds the fat-baby: it filters water through the gills, eating plankton along the way. Previously, as bait bait used mainly crusts left after oil pressing, now to the number of delicacies for the fat-brow added and technoplankton. With nozzles have to experiment: sometimes the fat-brow favorably condescends to mediocre corn or peas, and sometimes requires something exotic, like berries and slices of fruit.

Chub. The goal is caught on the whole range of tackles and lures, because it is omnipresent. However, the chub is also selective depending on the time of year and the body of water. According to spring hora, this fish prefers protein-rich animal food: worm, maggot, insects. At this time it can be caught even by a wired way on a wobbler or a spinner! In the summer, the chub leans towards a lighter vegetarian diet, preferring properly cooked cereals and legumes, bread, and sometimes plant “greens.”

Bleak. This small brisk fish, despite its modest size, often attracts the attention of anglers - it is very tasty in the wild. The glue walks in flocks in the upper layers of water, so it is pointless to use bottom gear for its extraction. Suitable float rod, and you need to catch at a small depth: glue snatches insects, which form the basis of her diet, right from the surface of the water. It is best to use a fly, real or artificial, as a bait. Sometimes this fish can be caught and plant nozzles, but still its food favorites are insects.

Nerfling. In the manner of power, the ace is very similar to a jelly, and in appearance - a giant roach. In the strict sense of the word, the yaja can not be called a predator, for he is omnidistant. After wintering on the wim is definitely better to go with bait of animal origin: worm, moth, mormuses, any larvae. Sometimes he takes and artificial baits, abruptly rushing at them when wiring. Yaz - in general, the guy is decisive, he does not hesitate to take a tidbit for him at the moment bait, which in the summer can become even ordinary bread.

Burbot. Nalim is a freshwater member of the cod family, especially appreciated for its delicious meat and delicacy. For catching nalim on open water used mainly donkeys, occasionally it gets and spinning. Food behavior of nalim is characterized by a pronounced seasonality: for example, hot summer it goes to the bottom and actually dispenses with food, in the spring prefers worms and insects, in autumn becomes an effective catch on live bait. Do not forget that Nalim - nocturnal predator, during the day he almost does not show activity.

The red peppercorn. This fish looks very similar to a lot, but is rarer and is not painted as an example more elegantly: it can always be recognized by the fins of crimson color. Red pepper is caught mainly on a classic or match fishing rod, but sometimes it takes and on the donkeys. This is an omnivorous fish: you can catch it on bait like a dung, moth, brook, maggot, as well as vegetarian nozzles such as dough, bread, legumes or steamed wheat grains. Artificial lures are rarely used, but can be productive fishing for passive “silicones” that mimic larvae and insects.

Species of fish
Here are some types of fish that are easy to catch with hooks and bait:

Freshwater fish: the most famous are rainbow tarot, fish fish, yellow chick fish, carabi, sunfish, brown scallops, big-mouthed seabass, small-mouthed seabass and wally fish.
Saltwater fish: including flat fish, muse fish, saltwater chick fish, scallops and saline fish.
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