best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
How to find scrap metal in a ground without a metal detector proven ways
Minelab Equinox 800 brief overview and first impression
Georadars and metal detectors are expensive devices, for the purchase of which there are not always funds. To find scrap metal in the soil, on abandoned landfills, landfills, old plants and storage facilities, there are other methods of search.
Geographical maps will indicate the locations of scrap deposits
To find scrap metal without a metal detector, it is enough to use old geographical maps showing the following locations:

1) Sites where there were landfills and landfills of metallurgical waste, abandoned factories and enterprises that have not been working for a long time. Any place except exclusion zones, places where archaeologists are excavated, can become the object of research. Search is prohibited in any areas covered by the Law protecting non-purpose land.

2) Territories of abandoned collective farm and village repair shops, machine-tractor stations. Places where technical enterprises, state farms, farms, planting fields were located.

3) Sites, where previously located villages, villages, farms, beaches, now abandoned or flooded after the construction of reservoirs.

4) Areas where there were previously military units, firing ranges, now relocated or evacuated. The exception scan is the facilities where rocket and space equipment and equipment were previously serviced and tested. Metal in this place is toxic, radioactive, dangerous to humans, the environment.


By the way! The clue where to find scrap deposits in the ground can be stories of local old-timers, information available on the Internet and the media.

Search without georadar, metal detector

Find a valuable scrap in the ground without georadar, without a metal detector will help sours, metal probes. Effective search will also be possible with the help of vines, pendulum, search magnets.


Ground-feeding means to dig a trench by hand using a shovel. Soil on the site cut to a depth of 1.5-2 m, the direction of the cop can be longitudinal, circular.

The work is carried out in the warm season, as manual labor is very labor-intensive, and frozen soil is almost impossible to dig by hand. To avoid showering the ground, the trenches are dug at least 0.5 m apart.

For easy search, the depth of the notch should be 1.5 times the width.

Working with a metal probe

The efficiency of the search for scrap will increase the search probe - moderately light and hard metal pin up to 2 m. Detection of scrap occurs by immersion or puncture of a layer of soil. The method is suitable if the soil is loose and soft, which is typical for swampy lowlands, ploughed fields, areas where excavation work was recently carried out. The pike can be made independently or made to order from hexagon, rebar.

Metal rod vine

Vine is a popular tool for finding places to dig wells, which is also used to detect scrap in the thickness of the earth. The tool can be bought or manufactured with your own hands. It is a pair of thin bars of aluminum, steel or copper wire, bent by the letter G at an angle of 90o. The parameters of the rods when the wire is cut 4-6 mm - about 340-400 mm by 80-100 mm.

How the vineworks:
(a) G-shaped bars become an antenna that captures electromagnetic waves, indicating ground anomalies: voids, metal objects;

(b) To work, the rods are taken in their hands so that they are located parallel to each other, were not clamped, but could rotate freely in different directions;

(c) Holding the device in your hands, begin to move around the perimeter or diagonally of the site;

(d) If an anomaly is found in the soil, the ends of the device will turn 45-60o, no matter which way;

(e) Dig begin in the place where the vine pointed.


Note! Searching with a vine is effective in summer. Snow covering the ground in winter significantly weakens and shields the signal of electromagnetic radiation.

Search pendulum

How to find scrap metal will prompt a spherical pendulum of wood, neutral metal. The simplified version is to make a product of plastic, dense cardboard, then paste with foil. The sphere with a diameter of 200-300 mm is hung on a cotton thread 800-120 mm long. How to work with the pendulum:

The sphere with foil acquires the ability to capture electromagnetic waves. This is the basis of the principle of finding scrap.
Before use, check the performance of the device. The pendulum is placed over a sheet of metal, removing or approaching until the rotation begins.
If you plan to search for steel scrap, a sheet of steel is taken for inspection. When the pendulum is prepared to detect gold, silver, take a gold or silver object and test them.


Important! The length of the thread is selected individually, depending on the metal that is planned to be searched.

Magnets to detect scrap metal

To search for scrap worm in a reservoir, a river, a lake, any aquatic environment is ideal single-, two-way search magnets. They are placed in the water, moving on foot or on a boat, attracting small and large objects from the bottom.

By the way! One-way magnets are convenient for vertical search with an escarpment, boat or bridge. Bilateral products are more suitable for throwing from the shore, after which the cargo is pulled back on a cable.

The view, the size of search magnets can be different. The retention strength depending on the parameters is 80-600 kg. The device of magnets is the same type:

galvanized body, which protects against corrosion, mechanical damage;
core - from neodym, on top - three-layer nickel copper coating;
one or two rum bolts.

An important aspect of the search is security technology
Compliance with basic safety rules is the key to the company’s success.

1) Before going to search for scrap metal pick up comfortable clothes that almost completely covers the body, leaving no open areas. This is especially important if you plan to go to the site of landfills, abandoned enterprises and storage facilities of the chemical industry.

2) Shoes are chosen with a thick rubberized sole, with fortified socks and heels. It will protect against dirt, moisture, reagents and substances that corrode the skin.

3) If you plan to cut the crowbar in place, it is important to have glasses to protect the eyes from mechanical damage, metal fragments.

When collecting scrap, you need to bring a first aid kit with antiseptics. The sharp edges of recycled materials, especially rusty ones, with soil particles, salts - a breeding ground of dangerous microbes, bacteria and viruses.

How to find metal detector-free coins

Attention! If you want to buy or sell the coins described in the article, write about it in x below. Our site is visited by thousands of people a day, you are sure to find a buyer or seller.

How to find a treasure

Of course, we can only give a few tips that can significantly help in the search for a treasure with coins. We can’t guarantee the find. For this, in addition to knowledge, you need luck and luck. With knowledge we will try to help, but everything else you have to have with you. That’s not all, though. We need more tools and devices with which to search and dig up the treasure.

So, how do you find metal detector coins? Let’s start with where they should be found. And really where? In the city, the village, the forest? It should be said that any old, abandoned house can be a great place for treasure. In cities there are few such houses, but in villages there are enough.

Of course, the land brings a lot of treasures. These are old cemeteries, mounds, temples and many other places. We are armed only with a shovel, an axe, a crowbar and a mount. It is desirable to have another flashlight and a small iron scoop.

Let’s say you have an abandoned house where no one lives.

Places to check
Usually it is walls, leaky roof, windows without glasses and doors without doors. Sometimes there are no genders. Where to look here? Whoever lived here before, bookmarks are very likely. People are so organized that they have a habit of hiding coins for a dark day.

We’ve always had enough of these days. And how to look for coins without a metal detector? Frankly, in such places this device will not help much, as there is a high probability that this house has already been inspected with its help.

Our task is that you need to thoroughly check certain places in the house. Where did the treasures usually hide?

Under the floor;
In the corners;
Under the windowsills;
Between the walls and the window openings.
Most often in such abandoned houses come across treasures with silver coins. Gold treasures are rare here. But both silver and copper also have a certain value, and sometimes not small.

It all depends on the degree of preservation of the treasure and the time of its laying. Work in such places should be carefully and preferably without much noise. Don’t be discouraged if you get dirty copper in a half-exhausted rag.

It is quite possible that after restoration it will be more valuable than gold.

Where to look for coins in the ground

And how to find coins in the ground without a metal detector? Of course, it is more difficult to navigate on the ground. Of course, do not look for treasure in the field or forest. The treasure in the ground must be searched, in the places of the former man’s housing. Most often - it’s villages and small towns, by fate erased from the face of the earth. It is clear that the finds of deep antiquity come across in the ground much more often. But we will have to work harder.

Finding a place where there was a village or settlement is also not so easy. But with modern sources of information and the Internet it is quite real. Found and what to do next? Naturally, dig up the top layer of the earth. It is here that you are waiting for finds and treasures.

However, do not be fooled and think that it is worth working half an hour, and you will certainly stumble upon the treasure. Usually treasures in the ground are searched, focusing on the old foundations of houses. Sometimes they are found in abandoned, earth-covered wells.

Read also The Metal Square Size Profile
The search for treasures should be approached creatively.

Amateur diggers

Old treasure hunters say that in our business the main thing is the head, not the metal detector. It really is. After all, the German Schliemann found Troy, not using any devices.
In general, history is replete with facts, when treasures were found not by professional archaeologists, but by treasure hunters-amateurs. And these guys never had not that metal detectors, but even a decent tool. Of course, they had a certain amount of knowledge and confidence that they would be lucky.

As we can see, they had enough to find the treasure. So, what’s going on? It turns out that only self-confidence.

Search for metals without using a metal detector
Factory-made devices designed to search for metal objects underground are quite expensive and most search engines are not available.

However, there are several ways to search for metals without expensive equipment, and which can provide good results. Expensive take scrap TC, and in particular the scrap of the rapid-resto R6M5.

But let’s first figure out where and how to find any metal scrap.
Identify the places most likely to be searched successfully
The choice of where the scrap metal is possible should begin with a detailed study of the area. It should be understood that, most likely, we are not talking about a large amount of buried metal. In most cases, these are discarded metal utensils, remnants of old machinery, destroyed construction structures or something else in relatively small volumes.

First of all, you need to find out what was in the intended search locations before. The most promising sites for the organization of the search for scrap metal can be considered:

the former location of villages, villages, farms, cottage cooperatives and other settlements that had been abandoned by people for various reasons;
The locations of closed repair shops, machine-tractor stations, agricultural machinery and other technical units that have ceased operations;
former farms, greenhouses, agro-technical equipment;
sites of former military units and units, with the exception of missile forces, where metal can be toxic or radioactive;
working zones of suburban landfills and processing grounds, which do not belong to closed exclusion zones.

The search for metal objects in sites that fall under the Misuse Land Protection Act or identified as archaeological sites should not begin. It is forbidden to collect metal scrap in the exclusion zones of railways. Sources for gathering information can be stories of people, old topographical maps, data from old media.

Indirect signs of metals in the ground

Experienced collectors during their searches constantly use a number of external signs, which determine the level of probability of finding a metal scrap in the ground. This helps to determine the future prospects of the search without a metal detector. These features include:

small hills among flat terrain, overgrown with grass and shrubs;
remnants of old foundations, as confirmation of the former capital building;
filled with concrete, asphalt or earthed concrete hatches or climbs into underground structures.
Self-penetration under the ground can be dangerous. Such structures can be filled with dangerous gases or evaporation. Therefore, such checks should be carried out only in the presence of an insured partner.

Possible options for replacing an electronic metal detector

In folk practice, the technology of swinging or the use of the pendulum has been used successfully for a long time and quite successfully. A more laborious, but also quite effective way is the fur coat, conducted according to a certain method, as well as the use of metal pins.

Vine or metal rods to look for
To determine the presence of metals in the surface layers of the ground, you can use a wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm bent at right angles. The short side is about 100 mm long, 150 mm long.

When searching, the short side of the manufactured frame rests in the palm of the right hand and, leaning a smaller part on the bent index finger of the left hand, support it vertically.

If there is metal in the ground, a long part of the bent rod will turn, changing its position.

The method used is based on the perception of weak electromagnetic fields that surround metal cells.

However, such a frame can rotate if there are voids in the ground, a metal running pipeline and a voltage cable.

The latter option may pose a certain danger in excavation or trial snouting. Using a bent rod, it is necessary to remember that the snow cover on the surface of the earth partially shields electromagnetic radiation.

Pendulum for finding metals

Another indicator for studying the soil can be made in the form of a ball of cardboard or plastic with a diameter of 200 mm and pasted with metal foil. This sphere is hung on a thread 800-1000 mm long. As a result, it turns out that a metal ball of foil is used for the search, which allows the pendulum to capture electromagnetic radiation.

The required length of the thread is determined experimentally. To do this, the ball is placed over a massive metal object and, gradually increasing the size of the thread, wait for the ball to begin to rotate. The main drawback of such a homemade device is the possibility of its use only in windless weather.

The furand and bayoneting with a metal pin

Effective results in the search can be obtained as a result of consistent removal of the ground to a depth of 200-300 mm. Apply two ways of digging sours: longitudinal or circular. In the first case, search engines dig 2-3 longitudinal trenches and carefully consider everything found and the results determine the feasibility of further search. In a circular way, a trench of concentric outlines is dug.

To speed up the work and reduce the amount of soil being developed, you can use a thin metal bar. They pierce the soil and in case of finding a solid object it is dug up. With a large enough number of found items go to work on the development of soil. The increased strength of the rod will be able to provide hexagonal shape or sturdy steel metal fittings.

How to find old gold coins without a metal detector? All ways to search without MD

Hello to all seekers of antiquity! This article will be useful to those newcomers who can not (due to financial difficulties) to buy a “normal” metal detector (not one that can only find a sewer hatch) because the price is less decent from 14-17 thousand rubles.

So we talk today about how to find ancient (preferably Royal gold, silver and copper) coins without a metal detector.

Let’s list all possible, and most importantly effective ways to find coins without MD.

At once I want to warn about one very small quality, which is associated with this type of search - you have to have a lot of patience and perseverance, then understand why.

In other words, you need an incentive, for example, with the money, to buy a cool metal detector, and to do a more efficient and extensive search.

One of my friends without a metal detector, for one season found that then about 150 coins, went in search of as he told, 2-3 times a month, ie the results will be.

But if you know a little bit about “numismatics” you know that it is not the number of coins that matters, but their rarity and quality. Only one coin found, and though the USSR, if it is rare, can outweigh the cost of hundreds of cheap coins with millions of copies (table-price of rare and expensive coins of 1961-1991).

In general, we call mentally good luck and go in search of …

Search for metal detector-free coins in old houses

This is the most weighty “mining” type of search without MD. But as you understand, you will have to search long and very carefully, the work of course inhuman, but if you have decided, we will begin …

Let’s start with the choice of equipment: a flashlight is more powerful, a crowbar, an axe, a shovel and a small metal scoop, gloves, a bandage on the mouth and nose (i don’t really want to breathe) and I think it will not be superfluous to bring a hiking first aid kit (the search is very injury-prone).

If you have a partner, it’s great if you’re going alone, let your family or friends know where you’re going.

So, choose the place of the future search: an abandoned ancient village, with preserved houses (at worst foundations). If you find one, then choose the richest house (very large wooden, even better old stone), the building should be old, the older, the better.

The search sites I’ve detailed in this article (read, very useful in the future) and now I’ll tell you very briefly.

We are interested in the land layer (10-15 cm) under the floor, where they can accumulate lost coins, slowly dig a scoop, extract coins (they will, no doubt) .

We look for mortgage coins at the corners of the house, i.e. digging the corner of the house from the outside, in the foundation can often find large coins that were put in the construction of the house under all angles (the richer at the time was the owner, the larger the coins, often come across large royal less often silver and gold rubles.

Well, then examine the house inside, for the subject of antiques, if the furniture is preserved, examine it carefully, climb into the attic, comb the sour fill, probe the niches of the roof, and beams of overlapping uterine logs, disassemble the window sill, pull out the window frame, inspect the stove for stash, knock the walls.

We are looking for coins in springs and wells without a metal detector
It’s also a great way to find vintage coins. To search we will need a bucket with holes, a shovel, and a metal probe.

To achieve a multiple coin result, choose a spring or a well with a history, which still used your grandparents, and better great-grandparents.

How did you get into the spring of the coin? The tradition of throwing coins into the spring goes back centuries, so travelers thanked the spring for the hospitality and quenching of thirst.

The search technology is very simple - we examine the sandy bottom with a probe, for metal objects, and if they are, we draw sand with a shovel in a bucket, and wash the soil.

From the wells, we prefer the Church or The Monastery, as the breakers who visited the Church threw coins at them. But to find such a well is a great success.

In the same way you can explore the silt-sand on the shoals of an ancient beach. People lost when swimming: crosses, rings, if purses were tied to the neck on a shoelace, among the finds you will find coins.

Either the village woman washed clothes from the shore, and forgetting to lay out the coins from her pockets, released them to the bottom of the river, which now lie in the sand near the shore, and waiting for a successful seeker.

Search through the eyes without a metal detector. Where to look?

Don’t be surprised, but the old coin can be found simply with “eyes,” as my friend says, “you only need to know where to go.”

Where we will look: on the arable land of the ancient village in autumn, the field ploughed, coins eventually came to the surface, although the safety and condition of such coins is not particularly good, but as a way of searching will not exclude.

You can wander through ravines in the spring, when the snow has come down, streams flow, thereby washed out the soil, and coins remain on the surface.

It also makes sense to walk along the steep shores, which from time to time collapse, and “expose” antiquities. Of course, we examine only the part of the shore where there was an ancient village, otherwise the search for results will not bring.

Today, do not forget to “friend” with old maps and documents, historical descriptions, etc. is a kind of theoretical basis for a successful search ..

Search for scrap metal detector: features and recommendations:
Finding scrap metal is a good way to earn money. How to find the “iron”? How to get it, because often the metal is not lying on the surface, and hidden in the thickness of the earth? How do I select a metal detector and set it up for optimal search? All these and other questions will be answered by this article.

Choosing a metal detector

This is where the path of any secondary metal collector should begin. Which metal detector is better for finding scrap metal? In fact, almost any - brand and price does not play a special role. Find metal underground under the power of even the simplest and cheapest device. Moreover, choosing an expensive professional metal detector, you significantly increase the payback period. Is it worth it?

Read also the Induction furnace for hardening metal

An inexpensive model will pay off in the near future: it only needs to hand over about a ton of metal. But if you bought an expensive metal detector for 40-50 thousand, then consider for yourself how much effort and time you need to spend to “recapture” this money.

Someone will argue that professional metal detectors are better, and are more expensive for a reason. Of course, they have a longer search radius, they are looking deeper, and perfectly distinguish black and non-ferrous metals.

The question here is whether you care about these characteristics. After all, if the secondary metal is going to change, its type does not matter. The depth of the lie doesn’t play a special role either.

Black metal is found in large sizes, and it usually “feels” even the weakest metal detector.

Where to look for scrap metal?

When the equipment is decided, it is time to think about where to search for scrap metal. Promising areas are fields, and it does not matter whether they are processed at the moment or not.

After all, there can be a lot of broken parts from the equipment, which used to be left right on the field. Pay special attention to the edges.

Working with a metal detector in this way, from one field you can gain up to 200 kg in just a couple of hours of work.

It is worth looking into agricultural buildings: sheds, farms, hayfields and others. Do not avoid industrial buildings, such as repair shops, abandoned hangars and workshops, forges and service stations. A lot of colored metal can be found in landfills with industrial waste, but the competition for them is serious. If you’re lucky, you can find shell casings on an abandoned landfill.

But where to go is not worth it, so it is to places of potential rest of people. There are often a lot of cans and beer cans, as well as other garbage. So the metal detector signals will be useless.

How to work as a metal detector

Finding scrap metal with a metal detector is a very simple process. You come to the site, pull the equipment out of the case and begin methodically combing through it, trying not to miss the slightest bit.

Remember that metal can deposit deep below the surface of the earth, especially black, because things are quite massive. So you’re going to have to dig a lot.

Do not forget to grab a shovel, and the pits are sure to throw the ground.

Metal detector settings

Even the best metal detector to find scrap metal will be useless if you do not know how to handle it or incorrectly set up settings for work. The optimal frequency will be 3 kHz.

Cheap metal detectors have a working coil frequency of 6.5 kHz, which is also suitable for searches.

And high-frequency metal detectors with parameters of 10 kHz and above to collect metal are undesirable: due to accuracy in the search for small items, they suffer depth.

Before work, be sure to put all metals mode, otherwise your device will not respond to all types of remethane.

Search for scrap metal magnet

The search magnet is a good addition to the metal detector. It will be useful when working on sites with reservoirs, as well as where it is impossible to work with a shovel. The magnet is an alloy of iron with boron and neodim, encased in a sturdy steel hull.

Magnets differ in power, alloy composition, degree of magnetism and other characteristics. There are magnets one- and two-way, which directly affects the convenience of work and the distance from which you can search.

In addition, the weight of the magnet also differs.
The neodymium magnet is practically eternal and does not demagnetize. In 10 years of continuous operation, it can lose only 1% of its original capacity. However, you need to be careful not to heat the magnet - otherwise it will lose most of the search properties.

With intensive use in rivers, swamps and wells, a layer of galvanization on the magnet can scratch, and it will gradually begin to rust. To prevent this, be sure to clean and dry the magnet after each use.


Finding scrap metal is, of course, exciting, but still difficult and unsafe. Observe safety equipment both when searching and loading found metal objects. Large heavy elements do not load by the cant, and the car at loading be sure to put on the “handle.”

When cutting metal do not forget about mittens and goggles. If you find closed metal containers of unknown purpose, do not disassemble them - inside may be combustible gas. Risk health and even life is not worth it, it is better to hand over suspicious objects like black metal, without disassembling.

Going to construction and industrial landfills, choose shoes with a strong thick sole. In such places there are nails and other sharp objects that can be easily hurt.

Recommendations and tips

To make the search for scrap metal more effective can be through self-promotion. In places of congestion of people stick ads about the removal of scrap metal. Often people want to get rid of accumulated junk, so you get the metal easily.

After the fires, you can offer to help disassemble the ashes in order to find and hand over charred items containing metal. By the way, after burning transformers or engines on the fire you can get copper.

It is best to collect scrap metal at the weekend, when people are more willing and more often to get rid of large garbage. Think about the legendary “subbotniks” - on this day luck is sure to be on your side!

Sources of scrap metal

Many people know that recycling points pay decent money for iron, copper and aluminum, but in order to make money from it, you need to know where to find scrap metal. After the uneconomical use of iron resources during the Soviet Union, there were many places of its burial and stay in the land.

One of the places where the abundance can be found black crowbar, are planting fields. During planting or harvesting, all repair work of tractors and other agricultural equipment, as it is known in the event of their breakdown, was carried out directly on the field.

In those days, though people had an idea of the value of such material as iron, but broken parts or non-working nodes were simply thrown after fixing a car or a tractor.

Therefore, the fields are still overflowing with spare parts of the collective farm fleet. Since such parts are quite weighty then, knowing where to look for scrap metal can easily collect 100-200 kg per day, and if you have a metal detector, the weight of the find will easily increase to one ton. At an average price of 7000 p.p. per tonne, the average price of black is a fairly profitable type of earnings (scrap metal prices).

Metallurgy waste sites

There are also many other perfectly legitimate ways and places to get scrap metal.

For example, the development of metallurgy in Soviet times gave many tons of waste or defective metal both black and colored. The colored metal, by the way, has a price from 30,000 to 220,000 p.

a tonne. And all such waste was transported to specialized landfills, for temporary storage, where they arrive, so on the day.

In order to find out where to look for scrap metal waste materials, you only need to find an abandoned landfill. But in this case, it is necessary to make sure that the metal mining will be legal and the local authorities have nothing against cleaning the land from its pollutants.

Abandoned shooting ranges

In rarer cases, the search for scrap metal is also easy in the abandoned military sites where exercises and shooting ranges were held. Such places are abundantly strewn:

Metal targets;
Imitation copies of tanks;
large-caliber tools made of colored metal.
Collecting scrap in such places, for example, only in the case of the disbandment of the military unit under which the landfill was operated. Or if it is handed over to the city authorities.

But, as in the previous case, the development of such places may be prohibited, in which case they should be left.

Finding scrap metal can be simplified in any area with a metal detector. Such a device will save from the search at random, so it allows to determine not only the location of the scrap, but also the depth and size or weight of the product.

Despite the fact that such a device has a fairly high cost, its use will increase the income from scrap for recycling two to three times. It is very useful for people who are interested in how to earn on scrap metal.

Also an integral tool of digging metal is a magnet, it allows to distinguish black crowbar from stainless steel or colored metal.

Naturally, you need to know not only where to take scrap metal, but also what to transport it, say, from the forest or field, if the total mass of the find is approaching one ton or just very large and will not fit in the trunk of a car. In such cases, it is better to get an SUV with a trailer or a fully driven onboard truck.

If the find is too large, and alone it will not be loaded on a trailer or body, it is also very useful to have with you a small, portable power plant and cutting power tool.

Having all this, collecting scrap can bring a pretty good profit.

Be sure to find out: how to make a search magnet with your own hands

Search for metal detector-free coins
Today, I want to talk about coins that can be found by each of us. You don’t need search equipment, because you need eyes and attention in the search for metal detector-free coins.

My offline work is connected with leisurely walking around the area - wandering around and looking at girls. But if you arm yourself with attention and turn your eyes under your feet, the coin finds will not take long to wait. It is clear that the modern walker is of little interest to us, although it prevails.

a modern coin that is easy to find without a device
However, in addition to modern coins, what else can be found just with your eyes?
Historically, the population of cities only grew in Soviet times. All the people had a job, so everyone had a little thing in their pockets.

Everyone knows, and many remember that a lot of things could be bought for any Soviet penny (not what it is now). Therefore, in Soviet times, metal money was more common than paper money.

And here I am, wandering on the old trails, on the sidewalks with cracked asphalt, looking at my feet, i find the coins Great and Mighty - though without a metal detector it is more difficult.

pennies can be found underfoot
The feature of the search without a metal detector
Now, I want to reflect on the effectiveness of the search through the eyes.

When the coin lies on the ground and has its own brilliance, it kind of says “here I am, lift me up.” And it remains only to bend, and to raise such a loss. According to my observations, it can only be a newly stamped coin.

Finding such pennies does not require any skill - you only need a fart. But, and with the coin, which lay in the ground, and its color became in the tone of the soil, things are more complicated. Such coins do not attract the eye with their brilliance or color.

So how do you find them?
penny, which can only be seen by outlines

Search for royal coins without metal detector
Those who think that to find a coin on the surface of the earth that lay there for more than a hundred years can not be real, of course, right. After all, a ball of soil would necessarily be formed on such a penny and thus hide it from the eyes of people. But as my practice has shown, such old coins can be found without a metal detector.

Read also How to blacken metal at home

But what to do with the land, which does not allow to see the coin circle? It is clear that it must be somehow removed and this can only happen in two ways.

The first is when earthworks are carried out, and the coin is on top of the dump - then its shape can be seen. I made such a find only recently, stomping with a cop on a dug-out vegetable garden. Right on the spot where a week ago potatoes grew, I noticed the outline of the mug. When it was raised, it turned out to be 2 pennies in 1866.

Second, it is a natural way - when the ground washes off the coin water. I have already told about such a find in the article “rider”.

Finding copper coins without a metal detector on the surface is a little easier. After all, in addition to the outline of the form, we come to the aid of another copper oicsel, which has a green color, from which the coin in the ground becomes a little more noticeable.

And in conclusion - the search for coins without special devices is very real and within the boundaries of the settlement can be even effective. So, armed only with attention and leisurely walking, you can make finds no less interesting than with a metal detector.

And now a photo of Soviet pennies, which was found during hiking during working hours

the metal detector coins I found
I put these coins on a shelf in a locker with clothes and so they are in the state in which I picked them up.

P.S. Stacking the coins found without a metal detector for photography, I noticed that among them there are pennies, which I do not have in the album. So, without any special search equipment, you can find valuable coins.

Where to look for scrap metal? Earnings secrets

Finding scrap metal is not only a fun activity, but also profitable. On no one’s necessary rubbish you can earn a large sum of money.

The cost of black and non-ferrous metals on the market is growing, expanding the range of accepted scrap, reducing the requirements for its cutting, attracting an increasing number of enthusiasts-treasure hunters.

Inexperienced newcomers, going in search of “wealth” with one shovel, risk being left empty-handed.

Everyone who played in a zombie farm, know that the search for scrap metal - a profitable business.

But few people approach it wisely.
First, we need to decide what we’re looking for. At reception points you can hand over both valuable types of metals, and auto parts, scrap fittings and waste production. It should be taken into account that large pieces of metal do not lie just so in the open air.

To find them, you need to pick up a metal detector. It is not necessary to buy expensive equipment, in our excavations it is possible to do quite budget models.

The device will easily explore large areas and one large extraction will be able to fully recoup its cost.

metal detector search
The method and principle of the collection of secondary metals
Many of our friends, friends and family (and I’m sure of it more than) are constantly interested in how much money you can earn on our hobby. Even more can be said, people quite far from treasure hunting, in my head constantly draw pictures of innumerable riches.

Pretty often they have a preconception that every search engine that does not go into the field with a metal detector, then necessarily a whole bunch of gold finds. Yet we are well aware that this is not the case.

To find something really valuable and rare is not so easy, and it is necessary to spend effort, time and money knows every treasure hunter.

But let’s just say, there’s a relatively easy way to earn your metal detector is to find and hand over scrap metal. Simple it in terms of affordability. Metal is found everywhere and even with a copy in the old days, finds from “iron” are not uncommon.

But, as a rule, we throw them away or put them in a pile. And you can give up and get the money. Of course, you’ll have to work with your hands and that’s where you’ll have to. Colored and black metal on the surface do not lie, they need to get and dig. After that, carry to the car, and only then pass.

But let’s take a closer look at everything.
Which metal detector is suitable for collecting recycled metal?
In fact, any metal detector is suitable for finding and collecting scrap metal. Even the simplest and cheapest. The Internet is full of videos, where people with the help of the simplest analog device load the car with black metal for a couple of hours.

Even more can be said, if your goal is to find scrap metal, you can and should do without an expensive metal detector! This is where simple arithmetic comes into effect. Buying an inexpensive device will cost you about 5-6 thousand. Rub.; a ton of cherries costs 6.5-8 thousand. Rubles. Ie.

In order to recoup the costs, you just hand over 1 ton of metal and you will already be in the plus.

And now let’s imagine how much you need to pass the same secondary metal that pay for the purchase of an expensive professional device for about a thousand for 40-50 (and these are not the most expensive metal detectors).

Who can argue that the more expensive models of metal detectors and discrimination are better, it “beats” deeper. Of course! Only the first indicator when looking for black and non-ferrous metals is not particularly important to us, so we collect a secondary for change. And, therefore, the more the better.

The second indicator in this case also does not matter much. Chermet is a beast that occurs in large size, as a rule, therefore, at a certain distance from the surface of the earth (well, let’s say, up to 50 cm) it will feel even the weakest metal detector.

If we are talking about a depth of 1 meter or more, then there should really lie a decent size target.

How to work as a metal detector when collecting “secondary”?

So, we have decided on the question of which metal detector to choose, now we need to understand how to use it. In particular, we will try to answer the following questions. Where to search for a metal detector? What settings are needed for the optimal operation of the metal detector? What is the basic principle of work and its organization for collecting secondary?

On what principle to choose places to search

Of course, to buy a metal detector is not enough, you still need to decide on the places where you will dig a worm. In fact, there are plenty of such places.

One of the most promising places to find secondary “iron” is arable and sowing fields. It’s possible that they’re not being processed now, but it doesn’t matter. Previously, in Soviet times, during the ploughing, sowing or harvesting period, equipment was repaired, as a rule, on the ground. Ie.

the tractor rides on the field, broke down, and is repaired immediately. And all the faulty parts were also left in place. Therefore, if you have such fields, you should definitely run there with a metal detector. Especially look at the edge of the fields or the small groves in the middle.

In addition, the fields may meet and just torn off parts of ploughs and other agricultural mechanisms. In most cases, all the parts found on the field are quite weighty, so really hours for 2-3 to gain about 200 kg of metal from one field.

Another promising place to search can be called collective farm buildings (farms, barns, hay, etc.). The reason for the relevance of these places is similar to the fields being processed. These objects are points of concentration of collective farm equipment, hence broken parts. And broken parts are scrap, i.e. potential money.

It is not necessary to avoid industrial facilities. Abandoned workshops, forges, hangars, repair shops and hp. Etc. - all these promising places to find a secondary.

The sites of the former villages (the tracts) are not as attractive in terms of the search for secondary metals as in terms of treasure-hunting. Of course, there is an “iron” there and it is not enough, but most often - it’s home utensils, which does not weigh very much. But in terms of collecting non-ferrous metals, former villages can please with a very good result.

We strongly recommend avoiding people’s resting places. The main reason is severe littering. Signals will be “wagon and small cart” but intelligent very few. Canned cans, aluminium wrappers, beer cans and more are the main set of finds you’ll take out from under the coils of the metal detector.

Metal detector settings

We have already touched on the topic of choosing a metal detector model before. Once again, we should not orient yourself on the principle of more expensive means better. To fully work and collect scrap metal you will have enough metal detector entry level.

The most suitable working frequency of the metal detector coil for the search is 3 kHz. It is at this frequency that the metal detector sees metal objects most deeply.

Very often entry-level devices have a working frequency of coil about 6.5 kHz, which is also in principle good and quite suitabl.
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