best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
Beach search – restrictions in the law, the impact of salts on MD, the rating of the best devices for the beach, etc.
The search for lost coins and jewelry on the beach seems to many treasure hunters a faithful piece of bread. In fact, the beach search has its nuances and subtleties, and the apparent simplicity of enrichment sometimes turns into empty cops.
In the article we will try to understand which metal detector is better to choose for the beach, how to behave, when to go to the cop.

READ ALSO: Cop law - how not to get fined or even jailed and lose its metal detector

What you need to know about finding on the beach

The main thing to remember on the beach is water. Water nearby, water in the ground. Took an unprotected metal detector, put in excitement or dropped in the water - and instead of profit get a loss - repair the control unit will cost more than one coin.

If the beach is sea, face the next problem - salt.
Salt influence
First of all, salt from water easily passes into the ground, making it more mineralized. It becomes more difficult to build a metal detector from such a ground. And devices, which have no balance of soil at all, can enchantingly glitch on the salt sand, giving signals where there is nothing at all.

Devices with the development from the ground should be reconfigured as you approach the water - the mineralization of the ground changes. Salty soil also requires a roughness of sensitivity, and, therefore, a decrease in the depth of search. Fortunately, on the beach it is not critical, the finds lie in the upper layer or on the surface of the sand.

Salt also affects the condition of metal detectors - gradually corrodes aluminum rods, and the plastic coil and insulation of the wire is in a salty environment unsweetened. Do not throw a metal detector after salt water - rinse with fresh water or at least wipe it, less salt will remain after drying.

Defence to the coil

From the previous part follows a simple but important conclusion. Salt, drying on the surfaces, makes its adjustments to the work of the device. If you use protection on the coil, after working in salt water rinse and coil and protection separately fresh water - it will not allow salt to remain in the gaps and affect the operation of the detector.

Restrictions in the law

Everything that is in the ground or under water in Russia belongs to the state. All dug over 100 years must be handed over to the museum.
The search on the beach is by no means illegal if the beach is not included in the special list of cultural heritage sites. On where you can go to dig for a day, and stay for 4 years, read in our material the Law on Metal Detectors in Russia in 2019: where to dig safely, whether to get permission and what fines for violations.

The law does not prohibit you from walking with a metal detector and on the beach, and on the forest, and on the central square of the city. As long as you do not dig a monument, do not violate the cultural layer in specially protected places - you can prevent only out of curiosity.

Beach search views

Experienced treasure hunters divide the beach into several zones, conventionally parallel lines of water. Highlight a dry zone - sand on the beach, children’s zone - depth of up to 40 cm (knee), maiden zone - up to 70 cm (under the belt), zone up to 120 cm (on the chest) treasure hunters define as “sleepless” - at this depth occurs most games, during which people lose jewelry, and all that is deeper is the zone of the fattest swag, but also the rarest.

Features of beach search without entering the water

On the sand localized and coins and decorations, which were squirted into the sock, the edge of the bedspread, other secluded places. And then they shook the stash and here it is - the loss of losses.

Features of the search with a knee-deep water

In the children’s area you can find crosses, images, children’s decorations. And all that the sea has brought is about here.
Features of search on the beach with entering the water on the waist
There are rings in the girl’s zone. Girls often walk weight, and rings at the same time they do not wear to the jeweler. Lost weight, the ring falls off his finger - and still carries it to the beach, right in the hands of the treasure hunter.

Search features in deeper locations

In the “unrepressed” zone you can lift chains, earrings.

And in the deeper you can find any jewelry at all. Usually, there lose gold and silver in extreme situations, in panic. The man began to sink and plucked everything instinctively.
Or the rescuers accidentally break the chain.

If it is still possible to walk to the waist with a conventional metal detector, there is nothing to do deeper without a waterproof device.

Which metal detector is best for beach search

Cheap or expensive? Simple or tricky? Let’s try to answer these questions below

Why any cheap metal detector is not suitable for the beach
The beach, and especially the salty beach - the ground is complex. No wonder many digital metal detectors Beach - a separate search program. Uneven humidity, uneven high mineralization, the presence of numerous metal debris - these are the factors on which simple metal detectors are discriminated.

A simple metal detector is not necessarily cheap. The absence of soil-building is a direct contraindication to the use of the device on the sea beach. Nothing but disappointment, from such a search treasure hunter will not take.

What will be useful for a beach metal detector

For a beach metal detector is useful, first of all, a competent operator. Without it, any fancy technique turns into a useless and very expensive toy.
Water protection. Even if you behave very carefully, to insure against the wave raised by a jerk on a jet ski, it is impossible. If the device does not have native water protection, you should take care of it.

Or swap the device for a secure device. At the same time, underwater search at a depth of 2-3 meters can be mastered.

The rearrangement from the ground or the presence of a special beach search mode. This is an important thing, without which it is not necessary to go to the beach, especially the sea. Or independently and tediously twist potentialometers, knocking the chuyka to a minimum and in advance dooming themselves to search in a layer of up to 5 cm maximum.

Search on the sea beach

We talked about the technical aspects above. Let’s talk about the time when it is best to go to the beach.

If you decide to combine the pleasant with the useful and walk on the beach during its complete occupation by civilians - prepare for disappointments and negativity. Not the entire population understands what the treasure hunter is doing, why it bothers citizens.

Therefore, it is better to go looking in the morning or evening hours or not at all in the season - in spring or autumn, the main thing is that the snow is either already flocking or has not yet fallen.
Naturally, it is better to go to the sea beach at low tide. Less will have to climb into the wet water. And the time of the tide can be devoted to searching on the sand.

Tools to search on the beach with a metal detector

In addition to the metal detector, the digger will need a decent protective glove - to run on the beach on glass shards and sharp edges of cans easier than, for example, when a cop in a clear field.

The next accessory is a scoop. There is nothing to do with a shovel on the beach, the ground is not heavy. Therefore, a good light wide scoop is better and more effective than a heavy shovel.

If you’re serious, you should get a scoobe. It is a perforated metal box on the handle, which the treasure hunter simultaneously rakes and sifts the soil.

Beach search tactics

We have solved a strategic problem in the form of determining the time and place of search. Now we have to deal with the tactics.

On the sea beaches it is worth following the water. The tide has gone, we’ll go deeper behind it. The tide has gone - we go out on land and punch the sand on the coins.

According to the settings of the devices - do not chase the depth of the search, if the beach is already digging, the main lies in a layer from the surface to 5, a maximum of 10 cm deep.

On the sea beaches, the sand in the surf area is stirred more efficiently, so it is worth raising the chuyka. Golden rings tend to “drown” in the sand.

Key points when choosing a metal detector

If the treasure hunter intends to conduct almost all his search expeditions only on the beach, he should think about purchasing a fully water-protected metal detector with a special
beach search mode. Or at least a customizable ground balance.
If the beach occurs sporadically and there is no desire to dive deep, water protection can be neglected. But a good division should not be neglected in any case - metal debris in the beach search meets richly - corks, foil, tongues from beer cans - a full range of false targets.

Ranking the best metal detectors for the beach

XP Deus

Wireless communication with a waterproof coil is expensive. Put the control unit in a waterproof bag, hang around your neck, or hook up wireless WS4/WS5 headphones and the coil bar bell itself can be submerged in water to the ears.

And about the search characteristics of this device and without us there are legends, there is nothing to talk about.

Minelab X-Terra 705

The famous “grater” will show itself on the beach. Excellent separation of targets, automatic and manual balance of the ground, including tracking mode, very suitable for the beach. Advertising does not need, but it is worth remembering that the control unit is leaky.

XP Gold Maxx Power

This metal detector is chosen for high sensitivity. He won’t miss even a scrap of the golden chain of thin weaving.

The rebuilding from the ground is present, there is no water protection of the control unit.

Nokta Anfibio Multi

Allows you to dive up to 5 meters. Multi-frequency, which has a positive effect on versatility. As the comparative tests show, neither deus nor the grater loses at all.

Tesoro Compadre

This simple metal detector got into the rating for a reason. With a single potentialometer for management, it shows good results in separation and detection. And proves the fact that in the search for treasures, including on the beach, the main thing - not a metal detector, and the head and hands of its operator.


To search on the beach will be suitable any metal detector, except frank rubbish. And the search itself will be an interesting experience.

Follow the law, respect others - and luck will not bypass you.
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