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Interesting information about treasure hunters
How the metal detector works
For a successful search for values, it is desirable at least in general terms to understand how the metal detector works and how it works. I could not find any intelligent material on this subject; comes across either a retelling of the article of the same name from Wikipedia, or too abstruse texts and videos, which are completely incomprehensible to the layman. Therefore, I will try to explain as simple and accessible as possible the principle of the metal detector, based on the scant information available. So let’s get going.

Types of metal detectors

In principle, we are not particularly interested in this point, because we are only interested in ground metal detectors designed to search for coins, treasures and other valuables. But in addition to the ground, there are also military metal detectors - mine detectors, as well as inspection - manual (at security officers in airports and railway stations) and arched (through which we pass in the same airports and railway stations). As a rule, military and inspection metal detectors are easier in design, as they are designed to search for any metal objects and discrimination is not important to them. So let’s not dwell on them.

The so-called underwater devices, which are completely airtight, can also be classified as ground-based. Examples include Minelab Excalibur 2, Garrett AT GOLD, Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II and others.
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It is also worth mentioning the deep metal detectors designed to search for large metal objects at a depth of several meters. Usually they are quite massive and have two coils: reception and transmitting. Often these devices do not respond to small targets like coins and do not discriminate. However, they are able to respond not only to metal, but also to some heterogeneity in the earth: voids, foundations and similar, which when searching for, say, a treasure, is very useful.

And another important point: the metal detector can be analog or digital. Digital is more common. Different approach to signal processing. If in a digital device the signal from the coil is processed by the processor and then displayed on the screen and in the form of sound, in the analog signal is immediately displayed on the speaker without difficult processing. Accordingly, the response time of the analog device is less, but the functionality is noticeably weaker. In general, the issue of choosing a digital or analog metal detector deserves special attention, but this is not about that.

Metal detector device

It’s simple enough, if you don’t delve into the technical wilds. Take for example the simplest Garrett ACE 150, which consists of: a top rod with an armrest and handle, a plastic bottom bar, an electronic unit with a screen, controls, a compartment for batteries and connectors under the coil and headphones, and actually coil swarms with a cord. Of course, the design of other devices may be different, but most metal detectors are arranged in a similar way.
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The principle of the metal detector

The work of the metal detector is based on the search for metal objects in a relatively neutral environment due to the presence of electrical conductivity in the metal. In our case, land is a neutral environment. The principle of work is quite simple: the coil emits a signal of a certain frequency, this signal is reflected from a metal object, which is fixed by the same coil. The reflected signal is then processed by electronics and displayed on the display and speaker.

At the same time, different metals have different electrical conductivity. This property allows the device to “understand” which metal is under the coil. In other is, discrimination is the most important function of the metal detector.

Metal detector frequency

A fairly important indicator of any device. Its value directly affects the depth of the search and the size of the desired targets. Usually, the lower the frequency, the deeper the metal detector clings, but relatively large objects. Conversely, the higher the frequency, the smaller the target is able to detect the device, but at a relatively shallow depth. All things being equal, of course. Entry-level devices usually work at the same frequency. For example, the same Garrett ACE 150 uses a frequency of 6.5 kHz. But another popular semi-professional device, the Minelab X-Terra 705, already uses 3 kHz, 7.5 kHz and 18.75 kHz.

The principle of the metal detector is quite simple and clear, if not particularly into the technical subtleties. I tried to present everything as simple and accessible as possible. Maybe I made inaccuracies somewhere or made a mistake about something. If so, I will be happy with the amendments and additions in the comments.
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