Set up the X-Terra 74 and X-Terra 705 to find rarities, hoards, coins.
For those who are lazy to read a lot:
1.Set up a discriminator.
No discrete is required for 3 kHz and 7.5 kHz coils. If you have a high-frequency 18.75 kHz coil labeled “H” in front of the serial number, make the last segment of the discrimination scale 48 visible. Otherwise, the detector will cut off large copper coins. No other changes to the discriminator’s settings are required.
For other reels, you don’t need to set up a discriminator.
2.Set the sensitivity level at 25-27.
3.Build a metal detector from electrical interference.
4.Set up a metal detector on the soil.
Now you can start searching.
Beginners of X-Terra T74 and X-Terra 705 metal detectors often ask how to set up these metal detectors for efficient search. More experienced search engines will say, what is there to tune x-Terra already simple and understandable metal detector, turned on and work. It may be helpful for novice users to learn a little more.
Set up the discriminator.
Discriminatory - allows you to distinguish non-ferrous metals from iron with a certain degree of probability. It should be noted that there is no metal detector in the world that would distinguish metals, such as gold from allumen, etc. or found only gold. If such a device existed, it would be a coup in the treasure hunt and I would have long lived somewhere in the Canaries for my pleasure.
Metal detectors determine the type of metal by the electrical conductivity of the metal, but this method does not give 100% accuracy for the recognition of non-ferrous metals, allowing only to distinguish iron from non-ferrous metal. More modern, multi-frequency metal detectors, such as E-Trac, in addition to electrical conductivity, also test the inductiveness of the metal, allowing more precise distinguishing of metals. Today, E-Trac has probably the best discriminator in the world.
Metal detectors X-Terra 74 and X-Terra 705 have 28 segments of discrimination with step 4 from -4 to 48. Iron takes 4 segments from -8 to -2. Colored targets from 2 to 48. The more segments on the metal detector discriminator scale, the more accurately you can set up a metal detector to ignore unnecessary targets. The accuracy of the metal type depends on the depth to the object. The greater the depth, the more difficult it is to determine the type of metal, soil disturbances interfere and the discriminator may be mistaken.
For example, it was observed that at a depth of more than 15-20 cm the discriminator on a silver coin weighing only 0.2 to 0.6 grams. Times of Ivan the Terrible (in the common people scales) gives not a constant positive color signal, and variable, alternating the positive readings with negative -2 (iron). So if you’re hunting scales, make the -2 segment of the discriminator visible.
Working on the beach, you can set up a metal detector discriminator to ignore the common tongues from aluminum cans, corks, etc. But you need to understand that the discriminator checks the target only on the electrical conductivity of the metal and some decorations can have exactly the same conductivity as corks. Ignore only common items.
Working in the old days ignore only iron, in such places corks, etc. are rare and ignore them should not otherwise miss a lot of interesting things: crosses, rings, etc. they do not have a permanent conductivity, as they are made of different metal and have different shapes.
For highly rusty targets, such as rusty iron corks from Coca-Cola or beer detector will give a signal very similar or even indistinguishable from a copper coin. This is due to aging metal, and it is easier to say rust and create an oxidized around the target. Since rust is not iron, but iron oxide metal detector is not able to correctly determine the type of metal. When you dig up such a target, the signal may disappear, as you have broken the halo (rust around the target) and the metal detector when the discriminator is turned on will not signal to the iron target. At the same time, you may think that the goal is simply lost. Switch the metal detector to search for all the metals and make sure the target is really iron and don’t keep searching for it.
All metal detectors without exception for large iron targets the size of a can will definitely give a signal - to dig! And it is absolutely justified. The metal detector is not an X-ray, and enlighten, for example, an iron jar or cast iron and report what inside can not. So a large iron target will have to be dug up and made sure it’s inside. Naturally, you dig not only cast irons, but also other antiques that can be of considerable interest.
Set up sensitivity.
Sensitivity tuning determines depth and ability to find small targets. The higher the sensitivity, the higher the depth of detection, but at the same time and more interference from the soil, therefore, the less stable work of the metal detector. You hear short random false signals similar to the target, which greatly interfere with the quiet work. Sensitivity should be set as high as possible, but that there were no false signals. There is no constant constant constant that I can recommend, to learn from my own experience.
The rearrangement from the ground.
The most important technical function of any metal detector is the ability to build from soil disturbances. If there is no such setting for a metal detector, it is more a beach metal detector than a treasure hunter. Since we are searching not in the air, where there is no interference, but in the ground, which is replete with all sorts of interference preventing the penetration of the electromagnetic signal from the coil into the soil, the detector should be able to ignore the soil noises and among them to find the necessary for us Items. The better the metal detector copes with soil noise, the higher its depth of detection and sensitivity. Metal detectors X-Terra 74 and X-Terra 705 have both manual deposition from the ground and automatic, which allows you to work on the heaviest mineralized soils, clay, salty soils, burned brick.
If you want to find goals deeper than others, do not be lazy, set up on the soil as often as possible. The frequency of balancing depends on the mineralization of the soil of your search area. If the readings during the mineralization settings are virtually unchanged and remain within the limit of 5 units, the soil on which you search is homogeneous and can be adjusted as noises or false positives appear. If the ground is not homogeneous and when adjusting to the ground the readings are constantly changing it is better to include automatic tuning on the ground. The metal detector will independently adapt to the features of the soil, always maintaining maximum sensitivity.
The automatic setting has one feature, knowing that you will avoid missing deep small targets. For example, a coin of scales at the extreme depth gives a very weak-weak, short, barely perceptible signal. If the automatic adjustment to the ground is turned on, this signal may disappear after several transactions over this purpose, as the machine will calculate such a signal for mineralization and cut it off. Note that the on/off auto-setting key on the ground is on the front and is always readily available, and that’s not for nothing. Hearing such a weak signal turn off the automatic setting, the detector will go into manual mode without changing the settings on the ground, allowing you to hear this target. Having sorted out this goal, you can again easily, at the touch of a key, turn on the automatic balancing on the ground and continue the search.
Adjustment from electrical interference.
The stability of the metal detector, its depth and sensitivity are influenced not only by soil disturbances, but also by electrical. Any metal detector works at frequencies from 1.5 to 100 kHz and if there is a similar frequency source nearby your detector will take them, which will not allow a successful search. Interference can be from a nearby working metal detector comrade, a higher radio station, power lines, etc. attic, basement or treasure hunter’s gathering. Under the power line there are rich untouched areas.
Build from electrical interference when you start working at each new location. When approaching someone with another detector or in any case if your detector starts to work is not stable.
Choosing a place to study.
If you are just learning how to work with a metal detector, choose a training place with a minimum amount of metal debris. Do not start your first lessons with the grandmother’s garden, most likely here your detector will squeal like crazy because of the abundance of all sorts of small metal debris, which you do not see. Most often in the garden poured baking ash, for the fertilizer of the soil, which contains not only nails, but also other small household metallic garbage. Do not start studying on the beach, in the city park, on a construction site or at home, exploring the attic or underground. Choose a nearby arable land or a long-abandoned village to study.
A function for finding very small targets and gold nuggets.
The X-Terra T74 and X-Terra 705 metal detectors are versatile and combine two metal detectors, a treasure hunter and a gold nugget. Metal detectors to search for treasures, coins, rarities do not need supersensitivity to small purposes, it is enough to find the smallest coins, otherwise with increased sensitivity will have to dig up a lot of small unnecessary items, such as like a shotgun and other garbage. But to find gold nuggets on the contrary, the main sensitivity to very small objects the size of a matchhead. After all, large gold nuggets are many, many less than small ones, and the find of even a tiny nugget can point to a rich gold plot. In the treasure hunt, the X-Terra geological mode can be used for treasures, such as scales or a thorough survey of a rich area. In GEO mode, a metal detector can detect scales even on the edge.
Differences in X-Terra T74 and X-Terra 705 models
Models of metal detectors X-Terra T74 and X-Terra 705 in technical characteristics - depth, sensitivity, quality of discrimination do not differ. Additionally, the X-Terra 705 has:
Display illumination
- in addition to the three modes of de-construction from the ground Manual, Auto and Beach added the ability to track the ground. Tracking mode can be useful for strong soil mineralization with hot stones or on the beach. When searching on a salty beach, on dry sand requires one setting on the ground, and on the wet sand another, you can easily adjust the setting at the touch of a button.
Added goal size feature
The number of masks of discrimination retained has been increased to 4.
Targeted ID stabilisation or why the plus on the screen
If the search area is highly mineralized or cluttered, the digital display on the display may not be stable and may change constantly. To fix a volatile show, use the Stabilization ID setting. To do this, tap and hold the GEO/AUTO key for about 3 seconds in detection mode. The display at the top will feature a z icon. To opt out of this setting, re-press the GEO/AUTO key.