best reviews metal detectors for gold
Interesting information about treasure hunters
How to choose a metal detector. Price – quality
Perhaps the two main criteria by which the novice treasure hunter chooses a metal detector - the cost of the device and the depth of the detection of the target. These are two important factors that are directly dependent on each other.

It should be clearly understood that a cheap metal detector at its core can not have a greater depth of detection. It has a low cost, because its production does not use modern developments and achievements, and uses only the old technologies of the 1980s.

In the current situation, when the instrument search has become widespread, to find a worthy find with the help of a cheap metal detector is very problematic. And every year this trend is getting worse. The more modern your metal detector is, the better your chances of success.

In today’s metal detector, the main thing is technology, allowing you to look deeper, more accurately recognize metals and ignore interference from the soil. Soil disturbances are the very cornerstone from which the depth of detection and sensitivity of the device will swirl.

Soil disturbances or why the metal detector does not reach the center of the earth.

With a metal detector, we are looking for treasures and coins in the ground, which is replete with all sorts of interference preventing the passage of the electromagnetic signal from the coil into the soil. These disturbances are called a general term: soil mineralization.

The less mineralized the soil, the higher the depth of detection. To light soils can include black earth, peatlands, fresh sand. Strongly mineralized soils - salty wet sand, soils with the inclusion of ceramics, burnt clay and brick, with rusty remnants of metal and oxides. Mountain ousiers, loams, clay, salt soils - all this should also be classified as highly mineralized soil.
Today, the main struggle of manufacturers of metal detectors has unfolded in the field of technologies compensating for soil interference, as it is the only way to increase the depth and sensitivity of the modern metal detector.

Minelab can be considered a leader in technical solutions in the struggle for depth of detection. Over the past few years, Australian scientists have developed and implemented dozens of unique technologies that we are actively using now - VFLEX, FBS, BBS, SETA, DVT, AGT, AGT-C, SFT and a number of others, aimed mainly at filtering soil interference.

Choosing a metal detector based on the “price - quality” criterion

Naturally, the cheaper the metal detector, the lower its detection depth, lower sensitivity, extremely weak metal differentiation. And yet, let’s try to find a middle ground and choose a metal detector for your requests, based on the price-quality criterion.

The metal detector is cheaper than 10 thousand rubles.

Application: As fun, or to collect scrap metal.

With such a metal detector Go Find 20. ACE150, Bounty Hunter HandyMan, Junior, etc. can be found only the hatch of the well and then, if you know exactly where it lies. It’s more of a toy than a metal detector to find hoards. With such a metal detector, you can try to look for coins in the park or let the children play. Although, it is quite suitable for collecting scrap metal.

Metal detectors from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

Application: Hobby, the occasion 1-2 times a year to go to nature.

If for you treasure-hunting is primarily entertainment, an excuse to go a couple of times a year to nature, these models are just for such cases. The production of this kind of metal detectors is not the scientific potential of engineers - developers, and used the simplest schemes. These models are made solely for fun on the beach or search for lost keys. Accordingly, the maximum depth of detection of such metal detectors is about 50 cm with average discrimination readings, which still allow to distinguish clear iron from non-ferrous metals. Do not buy such models, if you search seriously, you miss a lot of valuable finds, and maybe a treasure. The most popular metal detectors ACE250 , Go Finder 40 The best result by depth of detection showed METALBEL SCOMINABEL COINMASTER

Metal detectors from 16 to 25 thousand rubles.

Application: The first step in treasure hunting. Search for coins, treasures.

This group includes entry-level metal detectors. They are designed mainly for those who aspire to get acquainted with a new hobby for themselves - the search for treasures; or for those who choose the device on the principle of “money is not enough, but very much desirable. I’ll find the treasure, buy a cool metal detector.”

In this price category, two models of metal detector X-Terra 305 of Minelab cost 26 900 rubles. and the Treasure Master metal detector of Whites, costing $23,170. The maximum detection depth is 80-100 cm. Important features:

It’s a restructure from soil disturbances,

The rearrangement from electrical interference,

8th and 12th lane discriminator,


The tonal background

- The CHT305 has two detection frequencies, 7.5 kHz and 18.75 kHz, a unique digital VFLEX technology that is based on the abandonment of the noisy and jammed analog signal transmission scheme, and the transition to modern digital computer technology. This new development has improved the quality of metal recognition, increased target detection depth and sensitivity.

Killer ASI 250, so nicknamed the new Treasure Master firm Whites. In terms of technical characteristics, it is much superior to ACE250, and the price is not inferior to it. Ase 250 is priced at $21,000 and Treasure Master is $23,000.

How to make a metal detector from improvised means
All these technical innovations put, though not expensive metal detectors X-Terra 305 and Treasure Master in a number of professional serious devices.

Metal detectors from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Application: a serious metal detector for treasure hunters.

In this price category are high-tech metal detectors, which are used for professional work. The maximum depth of detection of such metal detectors is more than a meter. A good discriminator allows you to distinguish between types of metals and not waste time on extracting iron targets.

The most popular among treasure hunters is the metal detector X-Terra 705. The price-quality ratio allowed it to become the most massive metal detector. At a low cost of $45,990, the X-Terra 705 has three detection frequencies of 3 kHz, 7.5 kHz and 18.75 kHz, which maximizes the ability to detect both large and very small items. VFLEX digital technology has increased sensitivity and search in the presence of electrical interference, even near power lines. This versatile model with a wide range of action, which can be successfully searched for treasures, coins lost on the beach jewelry, as well as gold nuggets on mines and in mountain streams. The GEO special program allows you to find gold particles smaller than the matchhead. The diggers use GEO mode to finish treasures and search for a small silver coin - scales. No other metal detector in this class has such capabilities as the X-Terra 705.

The new Whites Treasure Pro metal detector model stands out in this category with automatic ground balancing (AutoTrac® (tracking) function, waterproof control unit and waterproof coil. The peculiarity of this model is that it is possible to search under in the water. Cost 31 590 rubles.

Metal detectors from 45 thousand rubles and above .

Application: Choosing professional treasure hunters.

These are professional metal detectors with modern technical solutions, allowing you to find objects at the maximum depth available to modern technologies.

The most popular metal detectors in the treasure-hunting community, as you would expect, have the most advanced technical solutions and know-how, on which the depth of detection, sensitivity, quality of discrimination depends. For example, models: Explorer, E-Trac and and modern STX 3030. These metal detectors are unique developments of Australian scientists, which have no world analogues, and use to determine the type of target not only information about the conductivity of the metal, but also its inductiveness. In addition, they use 28 search frequencies, not one as conventional metal detectors, to detect the target. The multi-frequency metal detector in the search process examines the target in the ground with a whole range of frequencies, receiving the maximum amount of information about the object, and thus allowing more accurate identification of the type of metal and the most effective to compensate for soil interference. These unique treasure-seeking metal detectors are able to work steadily both on clay soil and on a salty sea beach, among broken bricks and clay crocks.

Not a bad single-frequency model model XP DEUS with good sensitivity to small objects, wireless coil and original control unit. This model is worth paying attention to.

On a note to the treasure hunter

What is the frequency of metal detector detection and what depends on it? Single-frequency metal detectors, depending on the frequency, are customized to large or small search objects. The high frequency of 18 kHz allows you to capture small objects measuring 1-2 mm. However, the high-frequency signal fades faster in the soil, so the depth of the detection of objects is somewhat less. Low frequency 3 kHz worse detects small objects, but electromagnetic waves penetrate deeper into the soil, respectively, the depth of detection of objects above. The lower the working frequency, the deeper the detector can detect the target. Multi-frequency metal detectors with 28 detection frequencies from 1.5 to 100kHz search both at high frequency and low, allowing in one device to combine the best qualities of low-frequency machines and deep low-frequency. Working with a metal detector that uses multi-frequency technology is essentially similar to the one-time use of multiple single-frequency metal detectors with different characteristics at the same time.

Feature of the application of many frequencies and special programs.

Detection depth

The depth of the detection of metal detectors depends on the size of the target: the larger the object, the deeper it can detect the metal detector. For example, the average depth of detection by modern professional metal detectors with a standard 10″ coil, single coins reaches 30-40 centimeters, a treasure the size of an army helmet - about a meter, a larger object up to 1.5 meters. You can increase the depth of detection by installing a larger coil, for example, 15 or 18.” This allows you to increase the search depth by 30-35%. It should be taken into account that such an increase in detection depth is possible only with the use of multi-frequency metal detectors. In low-cost single-frequency models, the depth of detection will increase to no more than 10-20%, due to the increased diameter of the coil of soil interference. A priori single-frequency metal detectors are less effective at mineralizing the soil than multifrequency.