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Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector Instructions Set-up and modes
Many newcomers who bought Aska 250 do not have enough knowledge to make their device work as efficiently as possible. That's why readers of the treasure hunter's blog help me with useful information from personal experience of using different models of metal detectors. And today Alexander will share his thoughts and experience working with Garrett Ace 250. I recommend reading to all users of this good metal detector entry level. Let's go. Turn on the imagination))

The middle band of Russia, a clear September day. The silence and peaceful harmony of the forest, long unlucky road, broke the roar of the SUV engine. The car overcame a small meadow of the local stream, stirring up the frogs already feeling autumn and drove on a sandy ascent, behind which stretched overgrown birch and wild apple trees. The driver jammed the engine, looked at the navigator's display, then got out of the car, took out a backpack and a shovel. Moving a dozen meters away from the car, he turned on the metal detector and began step by step to explore the carpet of herbs and fallen leaves, which a hundred years ago was the underground of the houses of the farmhouse standing here.

The earth has revealed to him more than one secret of the bygone years and every shard of time man photographed, to then share his joy with like-minded people, remote from him for hundreds of kilometers, and then called directly from the tract home and a faithful camrad. I didn't know that treasure hunter. Being by profession and education, for example, a steelman, neither how interacts with satellites his navigator, nor how he keeps on the flash map his camera pictures of this autumn day, nor how to transform the mobile phone his voice into an electromagnetic wave. He did not know and what the principle of his metal detector (maybe he would have sorted out at leisure, but time as always was not). But in his passion, in a good and bright desire to join the history not by book pages, but with his own hands, he learned to use all the most modern devices. Simply put, he knew how to nocify.
But also to learn to fasten the work too! Even if the buttons in front of you are only 6 as on ASE 250 .

It is good that these buttons have to work only very short and just before the search, and in the process of treasure-making only to clamp the inclusion of pinpointer.

To explain which of the above buttons is responsible for what and what controls - means repeating the instruction (which, despite the tradition, should still be read) and dozens of detailed explanations on the network, that the case is ungrateful. Let's focus on how we can manage all the options that "aska" provides to us.

The main functionality of the device is concentrated (at least, according to the manufacturer's assurances) in the menu modes. Working with modes, it is worth remembering one very important thing: created a device on the other side of the ocean, to search on the lawns, beaches and tracts of another continent. Although the prairies of Central America have seen many historical events: the development of trade routes and major wars (admittedly only 2 by itself), but nevertheless the cultural layer and artifacts of the American wasteland and, for example, the Nizhny Novgorod field are very different . Therefore, intuitive English names of regimes to Russian reality have a very distant relation. So say "jewelry" and "relics" mode hardly allow you to filter out metal debris and not miss interest.

For example, in "jewelry" my "aska" does not see (or very poorly sees) casings. It's not a good goal, of course, but the shell casings can tell a lot. So, once calling the edge of the field in "all metal" dug up the remains of the cartridge of the Basel Gras rifle, a rare find for our fields, immediately seemed to echo the civil war, so it or not - I do not know, but a little deeper into the field, I raised a few copper coins the last Russian tsar. By the way, in "jewelry" "aska" saw that casing only in the air.

The regime with the most promising name "coins" is generally sharpened under alloys of American coins, as can be seen from the video instructions, and in the exploration of the territory some early advice and copper, not shining preserved because of peculiar oxides, can be missed. Therefore, the most working modes for me are "all metals" and manual setting in "custom" mode. "All metal" is for exploration and forest trails, once the only paths between neighboring villages, "custom" with the removed extreme left divisions - for fields and foundations.

Search for metal detector where to look for scrap metal
The setting of "custom" depends on the specific conditions and requires, in my opinion, a preliminary search for all metals. And yet, I can't claim the complete futility of "coins," "jewelry" and "relics" regimes, perhaps they should be adhered to when searching for beach or on certain types of soils. But still such characteristic purely our cultural layer of goals, such as buttons,- kettlebells, crosses, coins-scales, not to mention jewelry of the Domongolian period, push to abandon the regimes designed only for "relics" or "decorations."

No less features than the working modes of "akka" provides customizable sensitivity. The standard for fields I would define one division removed from the maximum, on tracts, near large metal objects, when working in pairs - remove another division. In my opinion, when removing the three right sectors of chuika, "akka" significantly loses in the depth of the search, and when cutting chuika on all - there is a lot of false signals, the device can react even to nails in the berets.

Maximum sensitivity is justified in my opinion only by detailed study of the territory, centimeter by centimeter, if there is little debris, there are finds - interesting and valuable. Sometimes this search bears fruit, sometimes - takes away your time. Once added sensitivity in the place where already once passed, caught a faint signal at the bush of strong high grass, held again - the signal was repeated, dug and out of the ground took out the usual horsemeat, decided to pass a little on the grass - raised a copper circle, killed by time with only the remnants of a gurt. It could have been a decent coin.

In the end, you can add/reduce sensitivity instantly, right on the move, waving the coil. You don't even have to look at the display. By the way, the display, in my opinion, you need to look at a smaller one. "Aska" 250 has a beautiful voice and signals are calmly caught and distinguished (at least, black or colored) by ear, even treasure hunters without any musical skills. By the duration of the signal, you can also determine the relative size of the target - the coin signal is sharp and jerky. Hearing this, it is necessary several times to spend over the goal, and then look at the display - to estimate the depth, turn on the pinpointer, and then to dig out his grain of a bygone era.

If after these my considerations and my own experiments, the functionality and capabilities of the "aska" seem insufficient, you can advise the replacement of the coil on a specialized brand model, the selection of the coil to the device, generally speaking, a separate theme and here, probably, it is even desirable to understand a little the physics of the device. But according to the reviews of my comrades, the reel, transferring the "asku" 250 from the category of amateur devices in advanced in value is comparable to the younger model of the same line of devices - ASE 150. You can read the review of this detector here - a metal detector for newcomers Garrett ACE 150 .

And yet, no matter how technically developed our time was and how much modern electronics we would not use in our hobby, it is always worth remembering that looking for not a device, looking for a person. And the best discriminator was and still is a shovel.