Both metal detectors are designed for primer search and are great for detecting any valuables, especially coins. A big plus gives the opportunity to search on the beach and shallow water. In its ease of use, ease and ergonomics is not Coinmaster is not inferior to the eminent Garrett. The design of both devices is very similar: a three-section barbell, the same monoblock on which the remote control, connectors and power supplies are located. By weight the difference is all a hundred grams, Garrett is a little lighter.
The Garrett ACE 250 is 6.5 kHz and White’s Coinmaster is 6 kHz, almost the same. The devices are also not much different in their functions, both have digital signal processing, monochrome display with graphic display of the scale of discrimination, depth of purpose and state of power supplies, Pinpoint function, adjustment Sensitivity. The depth scale is graded for items commensurate with coins. Both metal detectors are equipped with a standard 9-inch mono-coil, but in Garrett it is not round, but elliptical.
As for the differences between the devices, the main thing can be considered the principle of cutting off undesirable targets. In the Garrett ACE 250 metal detector, you can eliminate unnecessary targets at random and set up a special mask to find certain metals. White’s Coinmaster does not possess such an opportunity and it is possible to exclude metals only consistently. However, in practice, this slight difference does not affect the search too much, as usually the first 3-4 segments just disable in the first place.
Park Digging- Garrett ACE 250 & White’s Coinmaster; arrow, mystery items & clad.
In depth, White’s Coinmaster is slightly ahead of the Garrett ACE 250, but slightly averaged 5-7 centimeters. Discrimination at first is also a little better than the analogue. Another difference between the two devices is a different type of power source. Garrett uses standard AA batteries, and White’s Crohn’s elements are less common on sale, but they hold the charge longer and more accurately display charging levels. In general, both metal detectors are almost identical and the choice is always the user’s. It is better to try both devices in advance and choose the one to which the soul lies.