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which metal detector is better to buy

which metal detector is better to buy

To the question: which metal detector is better to buy, looking for the answer of every beginner in the field of search for coins, antiquities, treasures. As a rule, the price of the device and the depth of detection are taken into account. The lower the price, the lower the most significant indicator of the metal detector’ – the depth of the search.

What’s the main thing about the metal detector?

So you’re wondering which metal detector to choose? Modern technologies have allowed to accurately recognize the type of metal detected, to deeply explore the ground for the presence of finds, perfectly ignore the noises of soils. Buy cheap treasure-hunting equipment – throw money in the wind. Refusing to give themselves a quality, though more expensive device, many newcomers doom themselves to disappointment. Buy metal detectors for up to 10 thousand. rubles can be found only for the hatches of wells.

Choosing a metal detector based on the purpose of using them

If you need a device for walking in nature from time to time, the models will be suitable at the price of 10-20 thousand rubles. They have a depth of search up to a meter, well weed out of the search area uninteresting glands. These devices are perfect for those looking for scrap metal.

Best metal detector on scales

The best metal detector on scales is AKA Signum. With it, treasure hunters find really more goals, and especially coins. The difference of the multifrequency model is a large selection of coils and the ease of changing the coil to the right frequency. The device successfully realizes all the technological possibilities conceived by the developers. If desired, the treasure hunter can increase the depth of the search by turning on Turbo mode. At the same time, the sensor is fed more current, but the batteries are discharged faster. All kinds of filters are used to combat noise and interference. “Hot stones” and soil do not interfere with the search for objects.

Budget Aska – classics

Interested in finding coins with a metal detector, but for a smaller amount of money? Garrett ACE 250 is a great choice for that kind of money. In addition to the affordable price, its advantage is reliability. This model during many years of practice has become a classic, it is still taken with them treasure hunters as additional equipment. She perfectly finds black and non-ferrous metal, dividing it when searching. The device is equipped with a precise detection function, resistant to wear. The diggers affectionately call him Aska. If you choose to take up your favorite hobby no more than 5 times a month – this option is for you.

Professional metal detectors

AKA Cygnum 7272M is a standing metal detector. Its high sensitivity is provided by the dD (10 inch) coil created by Russian engineers, as well as processor processing. The soil mineralization factor prevents the search 10 times less, thanks to SFT and MFT, a system for suppressing ground noise. The business card of the AKA is an indirect visualization, which allows you to clearly see the find by form and volume on the yearograph. The device allows you not to miss a valuable thing and at the same time ignore the trash.

Minelab X-TERRA 705, 750 are popular devices among professional search engines. The entire Minelab X-TERRA range allows you to regulate interference. You can automatically or manually remove, for example, a false beep under the wires of high-voltage power lines, a cell phone call. He has shown himself superbly in the field, does not miss small items at great depth. It’s good to walk around Domongolian with him, because he’ll never miss imperial copper, coins. He finds scales at 20-centimeter depths, copper coins at 40-centimeters. The advantage of the sensor is built-in protection. Increase the depth of the search can be by buying a coil.

Fisher F75 is a device that distinguishes between non-ferrous and black metals better than Signum. With it is easy to look for the alloy of such metals as tin bronze (Domon) even on heavily clogged areas and great depth. It’s every digger’s dream! The device is customized to any conditions. The main task successfully accomplished by its developers is to eliminate interference with soil mineralization. The screen in the form of a histogram reflects the level of soil mineralization under the sensor.

The metal detector is equipped with the function of detecting violations of the soil structure. With it, you can find a pit, a dig, a cache where the treasure is hidden. The latest custom settings are stored automatically when the device is turned on/off.

The choice is yours!

Have you decided that you need a powerful metal detector? Make your choice! Excellent device has light weight, magnificent discrimination, a variety of options, settings, decent depth of search, a small energy consumption, instant response from the object, effectively finds scales, coins.
