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The sensitivity of the metal detector How to set up

The sensitivity of the metal detector How to set up
We bought a metal detector, became a treasure hunter and a lover of instrument search. Congratulations, our regiment has arrived. However, the novice search engine immediately begin to have questions about the setting of its metal detector, because it is difficult to immediately understand what and how to set up and what depends on the correctness of this or that setting. In this article, we’ll figure out what the metal detector sensitivity is, how to adjust it depending on the locations of the search and other conditions.

Many people think that if I put the sensitivity of the metal detector to the maximum – the depth of detection of coins and treasures will increase. This is the very first misconception. not always the depth increases, very often at the maximum “chuyka” the device begins to glitch and lag, show incorrect values and in general, behave inadequately.

At the slightest blow on the stems of plants there are phantom signals, misleading the novice digger. And he digs and finds nothing. If you do it 10-20 times, the nerves will start to pass and the beginner-digger can throw such a fascinating activity. Therefore, before you put the “chuyka” to the maximum, understand on what depends on the correctness of the sensitivity installation. By the way, this applies not only to cheap metal detectors, but also to more expensive ones.

General rules for adjusting sensitivity:

If you look for coins and other items on the field, whether it is plowed or not, if the field quite a bit of metal debris comes across, the sensitivity of the metal detector can be put on the value close to the maximum. I do not like to put the “chuyka” to the maximum, because when hitting the stones can occur incomprehensible signals. That’s why I put sensitivity at 7-8, even on the field. Although if the metal debris on the field does not come across, and even with mineralization all right – you can put and the maximum, and if you also add a powerful coil – the depth of the search will increase markedly.

The second factor on which sensitivity adjustment depends is the degree of soil mineralization. The higher the mineralization, the less you need to put the “chuyka.” There was one case when we went to dig on the usual-looking field, but both of our metal detectors began to “glitch” and show the devil those. By killing the plague, everything seems to have normalized. The same can be said about search locations along electrical wires. Although entry-level models have no protection at all and it is impossible to walk along power lines at all.

By the way, when looking on the beach sensitivity is better also to reduce to 70 percent of the maximum, because there too mineralization be healthy, and also garbage a huge amount.

Next – metal debris. We all dug in such places, where we want to dump, because the device rings silent, a huge amount of metal debris (corks, wire and other metal remains), but the place – promising, in between traffic jams and wire come up with some pretty interesting finds. 

That’s why we dig in these garbage cans. Put the sensitivity of your detector also at 60-70 percent, otherwise you will dare to dig garbage. Of course, in the first turn the efficiency of search on littered places depends on the correct choice of search coil, regular Mono coils on inexpensive detectors fit perfectly, you can also recommend the so-called “sniper” – small coils The diameter (6 inches), with them to look for in a littered place – just beauty.
