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Search for coins with a metal detector Where to look for coins

Search for coins with a metal detector Where to look for coins

So you bought your first metal detector. What to do next? Where and how to look for coins and other historical artifacts? How to choose the right places to search with a metal detector? It is necessary to look where once lived, to do something, to organize their activities of one or the other nature people.

Of course, it is worth starting with the disappeared settlements. Surely near your house, within a radius of 10 km, or even less there is more than one tract on which the village used to be located. You can try your metal detector on it. 

Further more, villages like this huge set, it remains only to calculate their location, it will require ancient maps. Where to download vintage maps I have repeatedly written in his blog, many maps to search laid out himself. Therefore, the villages will not be particularly stopped, this topic is quite covered in numerous sources. 

It is worth noting that this relative accessibility of ancient villages – has two downsides: on the one hand – they are easier to find you, but on the other hand – they probably have already found before you. Of course, there are no knocked out places, but it is always nice to walk with the device on the pristine land.

The second most popular and accessible place to search is the beach. In my opinion, here too is very clear and clear. There is a river (lake, sea), there is a beach where people rest and sunbathe, respectively, there are lost items that your task is to find. 

At the same time, it is necessary to look not only on the shore, but also in the water. If you have an underwater metal detector, this task is much easier; If you have a conventional device, you can search at a limited depth, not exceeding the distance from the coil to the power supply. Searching on the beach also has its pros and cons. The advantages include: accessibility, finds are updated every year, there are no problems with the law. Cons: a lot of metal debris, finds, as a rule, are not very interesting.

Perhaps, with the simplest places to search and all, but it is only with those that, as they say, lie at the very feet. We’re not looking for easy ways, are we? Then, where else can you find the old coins?

People did not just live in their villages, they still traveled, moved between settlements on trade and economic affairs or out of idle curiosity – “just look.” And they did it not as well, but on the roads. That’s exactly the roads and old roads and can become the object of your research. Any roads are abandoned and current, field and forest. The older the road, the denser the traffic of its traffic was when, the more coins were lost in the history of its existence, the more you can find with the help of a metal detector.

I have already written about the roads separately: how to find them, described the search technology and told many other things. I’ll run again thesis. Particular attention should be paid to intersections as one of the iconic places on the roads, fords across the river. Searches should be carried out not only on the road itself, but at a distance of “great need” (let’s call it as one of the users said. Of the features of treasure-hunting coins on the road should be noted, the increased density of the ground, so will have to work hard.

We continue to expand horizons. On the beach coins you were already looking for, but surely did not think that the river itself is a source of interesting places. First, the pier. Here everything is clear, look at the old map, where used to be located piers and piers and go to scour the shore. 

People came to the squat ships, came off them, unloaded goods. Bridges thing is quite shaky, could stumble something and drop, coins are no exception. Second, transportacross river, ferries. In principle, everything is similar to the wharf. 

Thirdly, this topic is already more extensive and requires detailed information – these are the banks of once navigable rivers. Previously, ships from one wharf to another could move for weeks. Willy-nilly, and had to make stops for the night or other needs. And on the rivers often and robbers fooled, about the famous Novgorod uschniks probably all heard. So here and robbers, and peaceful travelers could easily dig a small “treasure” of coins and other valuables on a noteable bank.

Forest, another of the sources, all sorts of places to search for coins and other treasures. Very often, when mapping in the old days, small settlements in 1-2 yards could easily not include in the atlas. And how many such settlements are all over the country.

And you can’t bump into them except by accident or methodically combing through forest blocks. Why in the woods? Surely such villages could be in the fields? They could, but in smaller numbers. The fields were mostly mastered, divided and there was no place for strangers there. And in the forest could settle and schismatics, the forester’s borrow could be located with ease, just stand some guardhouse.

In addition, the forest is a place where people are engaged in the collection of berries, mushrooms, hunting, and, therefore, a lot of walking, so “call” forest paths, will never be superfluous. Of course, rare finds and coins should not be counted, and the number is not particularly impressive, but, nevertheless, the finds are sure to be.

In fact, there are a lot of such places, quite densely with the local population and you will be told about the bar estate, and about the landowner’s pond, and about some other “secret” place. It may be legends, but it is necessary to check it.
