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Search for old coins and hoards by metal detector

Search for old coins and hoards by metal detector

Having dug out of the ground a mountain of rusty nails, procrastination and other useless items, the person begins to think where to look for coins. There are a lot of places, and everything seems promising, until you face the reality: it is not so easy to find something worthwhile.

For all the nuances of finding coins is still like fishing. You never know how much effort you need to put into “getting out” a goldfish.

How to choose a reliable metal detector

Don’t look for a homemade or cheapest metal detector. Note the models that, at the right price, have important characteristics.

Examine how it responds to certain items and record the information in the notebook. Explore the device, be cunning it, so that later it does not outsmart you, forcing to dig at any point. Although at first you have to do it.

How to choose the right metal detector for you? Let’s consider the important specifications of the device:

The depth of the object’s detection. This criterion is directly related to the cost. The device in the range of 15-25 thousand rubles has good search capabilities, for its assembly used modern sophisticated technologies.

Differentiation of materials. The best metal detector is that at high sensitivity does not respond to an electrical signal, filters soil interference. In mineralized soil, not every device can detect a coin at a depth of 15 cm.

Work rate. The lower it is, the deeper the metal detector detects the object. The high-frequency instrument detects small objects at a shallow depth.

Then you know everything: the metal detector should be bought not cheaper than 10-15 thousand rubles, coins to dig on half a bayonet, all the found metal debris to carry away and dispose of not at the place of digging.

A good place to dig coins: how to find

In 2016, the search for gold coins, treasures and antique metal household items was conducted in the fields, places where there used to be churches, in old merchant houses, on the roads. Knowledge, not intuition, has brought knowledge to these places. Where to get them, consider below.

The map method.

Looking for a map of the royal times, compare with a modern map and get points where you can find interesting things. The method is simple and effective, in practice many use it.

An example of an old map of St. Petersburg

You’ll be fine:

three-pieces of 1860-1890;

plans for general interbreeding (they will be useful for reconciliation);

Old maps of the 19th century;

maps of the Soviet General Staff;

Mende’s cards.

Don’t forget that you’re not the only one using cards. Be prepared for the fact that the places where you will come to dig, already “cleaned.”

Satellite images.

The correct work of the treasure hunter with the map is to find historical places where there was a human movement. It can be villages, taverns, fairs, houses, postal stations, mills, trade routes, places of war. Then you need to open a satellite map of the same area and find the place at the common points of the landmark. Such points can be ravines, intersections.

Special applications with a database of old maps have been developed. They allow you to find the right point without resorting to additional search tools. The wonderful Ozi Exoplorer program is still used to work with card-cards. In this program, they are easy to scale, flick through the map, switch between maps.

Council. There are sites that provide tied cards, such as etomesto. En. The convenience of using it is that you can superimpose a new card on the old one.

Some diggers can not do without going to the archive. In the archive you can find documented information about ancient villages of a rather small scale, about individual houses and their owners. An alternative to the archive is a museum where you can find out what territory you can find. Visit the local history department of the city library.

Talk to the indigenous inhabitants of small farms, they can tell you where the riverbeds were, where there were still settlements. In short, look for your unique cop point.

GPS navigation.

There are two options: you can use a car navigator or a smartphone with the appropriate software. Car navigator in this regard a little loses: the battery sits faster, the image is low-quality. But any navigator will not show with 100% accuracy where you are.

There will always be a margin of error of 50 m. This way of finding a digging point is suitable upon arrival on the ground.

Where and what to look for

You have to decide what you want to find: Peter’s coins, “scales”, foreign doubles/pence/zlotys, rare coins from World War II, early Soviet coins. Once you’ve decided, choose the area. Whether it will be an old farm, a church or a former collective farm – depends on the purpose of digging. Where is the best place to search for old coins with a metal detector? Where they drop.

For example, in 2016 treasure hunters managed to find near the church, which burned down in 1932, several half-crosses of 1851, crosses, top icons, “scales” of Ivan the Terrible, coins of 1934 and 1924, as well as other antiques. Collectors will appreciate such finds.

The road is long.

An ancient abandoned road can be your amazing journey, if not a path to riches. The road can connect the settlements, which may also interest you. Trade caravans were marching along the road. The point where several roads intersect cannot be “empty”, there must have been taverns or chapels. The clutches were often buried on the roadside, if it was difficult to carry them further for some reason.

In 2016, the metal detector of forgotten paths from place to place brought more finds to the diggers than the places themselves. Found purses with coins, coins of Peter I, heel of Alexander II, silver and even gold coins. All this can be seen in the videos.

On the way to a remote village or a bar estate be sure to check the roads, check the forest trails, as well as roads with ancient coating. You don’t have to dig deep on the roads.

Forest finds.

The study of the forest strip by a metal detector almost always brings results. It’s a win-win. If you’re going to an unfamiliar place, take a look at the map and make sure there’s a forest nearby where you’ll go in case of failure.

If you have the opportunity to wander with a metal detector through a huge forest, then you have two options to search for treasures. One option is a free walk through the forest, during which you can discover the remains of villages, towns, dilapidated estates, etc. antiquity housed a farm.

The second option of the search is to use the navigator and maps. And it is right, because without devices in an unfamiliar forest you can get lost!

Council. If you find a place on the map and go to it, do not be surprised that it is already dotted with holes. The cards you use are available to everyone.

It is more pleasant to wander in the forest than on the field, but here you are waiting for some nuances. Experienced treasure hunters warn:

Mosquitoes, bedbugs and other insects in the forest are enough. Dress so that there are no unprotected areas of the body.

Digging in the forest, you can stumble upon the roots of trees. This makes it difficult to find coins.

If you walk with a metal detector through the former village, be careful with burial holes, wells. Usually on their edges formed thickets of nettles.

If you come by car, you will have to leave it far from the place of the cop, because the slacker you will not be able to get close.

Most likely, hoping for “maybe” you will find household items, horsemeat, small coins. Having discovered the foundation of the stone house, rest assured – here lived a rich man, so call it all well.

Where to look for coins in the house.

First, make sure that the house does not belong to the cottagers, and it is at your disposal. Go to the archive, find out to whom this house belonged before. In the winter of 2017, several treasure hunters searched a house formerly owned by two merchants. Their attempts to find anything were unsuccessful, but another team already in another house found about a hundred coins of Tsarist Russia. including gold. How to find coins in the house, let’s talk in this section.

It is desirable to search for gold coins in homes. Because our pagan ancestors had a custom – to put coins under the mortgage when building a house. To remove them, you will need a chainsaw. Otherwise, you won’t cut the corner of the house. In addition, the coins were put in a corner under the icon, under the floorboards, under the logs, hid in the walls.

Council. Arm yourself not only with a metal detector, but also with a reel-sniper, as well as hand-held metal detectors for ringing walls, skirting boards, grab a crowbar.

The first thing you need to worry about in the old house is not the safety of coins, but your own safety. Old beams can collapse, the old pantry may not stand your weight. So be careful.

In this article we have listed the main and common places where the search for coins and treasures will always be conducted. Do not think that the further you go, the more expensive the finds will be. Connect imagination, ingenuity, logic, and find “your” place.
