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What benefits can be brought to treasure hunters of downpours

 How often has this happened to you? Just went out into the field with a metal detector, as from somewhere came clouds and poured pouring rain. Probably, most of the time this happened in the spring. And here you can not argue, because this period is not only comfortable weather, but also sudden rains and thunderstorms, but in summer, thunderstorms and rain are also not uncommon. The safety technique of being in an open area with a metal device in a thunderstorm is known by all search engines, but not everyone knows that such weather conditions can play into the hands, especially those who hunt for gold. Heavy rain is able to wash out gold nuggets from the soil, besides strongly corroding the ground, streams of water cause to erosion of the soil, thus exposing and washing out valuable finds.

What benefits can be brought to treasure hunters of downpours

Beginner treasure hunters sometimes make false steps, mistakenly thinking that if the first time could not find anything, then this site is hopeless. However, sometimes it is enough to wait for heavy torrential rains and repeat the survey, perhaps after bad weather there will be chances to find something interesting. The downpour exposes the soil, and the streams of water move small targets, bringing them to the surface of the earth. Many searchers consider the rain a good omen, which brings more finds on the cop, besides in the wet ground signals are heard more clearly. Also, soft ground, moistened by rain is easier to dig, but cleaning equipment will be a little more difficult because of the sticky mud, but the lovers in their business diggers it is unlikely to stop.

What benefits can be brought to treasure hunters of downpours

A treasure search after the rains, especially in the spring, can bring unexpected surprises, and even a simple budget metal detector such as Garrett ACE 150 or its improved versions of Garrett ACE 250 and 200i can cope with the task. Such detectors require a minimum of settings and skills, it is enough to turn on the device and you can fully trust its abilities. To increase the scanning area, you can replace the standard staff reel with a larger sensor, then increase the speed of survey sites. The small coil will help to more accurately establish the position of the target and safely remove it from the wet ground, as the detector will know exactly its location.

What benefits can be brought to treasure hunters of downpours

Another natural phenomenon can facilitate the work of treasure hunters - it's floods, unlike local residents, for whom it is an unpleasant event. Stormy streams remove the top layer of soil from areas filled with water, and together with roots, branches and other debris bring to the surface everything that is hidden underground in dry weather.

What benefits can be brought to treasure hunters of downpours

Therefore, it is always necessary to use such situations to your advantage and not to miss the opportunity to examine the neighborhood after the flood. The search toolkit in such conditions should be consistent with the search in wet conditions, and the equipment should complement the waterproof accessories for the metal detector and waterproof..

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