Those who want to find a treasure in the suburbs should pay attention to the abandoned roads, old beaches and houses that are under demolition, but before doing the treasure-hunting, it is necessary to study the legislation, a treasure-hunting office.
"Old roads are an object where you can work interestingly. These are the roads that died in the 70s and 80s of the last century. They are lying on coins, so-called Stalin's councils, they are very well preserved, made of aluminum bronze. Basically, it's small denominations.
The second most popular place where you can find valuables are old beaches on the banks of rivers. In their sands "hide" rings, chains and other household things.
"On the beaches and along the banks of rivers you can make very worthy finds. There gold and silver can accumulate since the tsarist times. There you can find enough old wedding rings and chains of precious metals," Porupayev said.
He added that valuables can be found in the attics of houses, both old and new. For example, in houses that have been demolished, residents may leave what they think are items that are antiques that are not necessary. According to the treasure hunter, having passed four entrances of such a house, you can find antiques.
The interlocutor of the agency also stressed that before you start to engage in treasure-hunting, it is necessary to study the current legislation, which regulates such works.