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The origin story of the coin as a money mark

 At the time when there were no coins, different nations used their kind of money, what was appreciated and in demand and not spoiled (stones, shells, cocoa beans, ivory, cut cloth). Suffice it to recall the example of Columbus, who at the discovery of islands near the American continent changed beads, scissors, chains for silver and gold products, which the natives have not yet had time to become a currency and a means of payment.

The origin story of the coin as a money mark
The currency most commonly used in the sale was cattle. It could be used as an aid in agriculture and transportation, as well as as a source of wool, skins, bones, fertilizer, meat. With the development of crafts, this currency gradually faded into the background. The receipt of iron from ore, the smelting of the metal and the strength of the received products suggested that it is better to replace the various means of payment unified. More often began to pay with pieces of metal (especially silver and gold). But it was very inconvenient to use this kind of money because of the difficulty of guessing the desired weight of metal, corresponding to the value of a certain product.

The first coins came into use in China in the 12th century BC. These were coins made by the casting method. And the method of coinage was first used during the reign of the Lydian king Gigues (according to some sources – Ardiza) around 685 BC. The coins were yellow, made of (an alloy of silver and gold) and were called staters.

Where did the name of the coin come from? According to legend, in ancient Rome money was minted near the temple of Juno Coin (Soviet), wife of the god Jupiter. In gratitude for the advice and warnings about the dangers that have repeatedly saved the people, the money was named in her honor.

Coins have their own history in each country. Sometimes, because of the lack of raw materials to make this type of money, some peoples had to remove them from their use for a while. But the fact that the coins have reached the present day and are actively used around the world, says that it is a very convenient money sign, which has a small percentage of wear.